Monday, April 20, 2009

We don't need no stinkin' training wheels!

And he's off! It took Aiden just at an hour to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels! He's getting so big! He is very proud of himself and loves showing off (don't know where he gets that from). And don't worry - we know he looks HUGE on this tiny bike. His birtday is May 21 and we are purchasing him a new, bigger bike. I have a video of him riding, but I cannot get it to load. I will keep trying though.

I was SOOOO excited on Friday. I got to go see Selah in concert! My great friend/cousin Missy went with me and we had a great bonding time. I have always been a huge fan of theirs, but about a year ago I started reading a blog that was written by Todd Smith's (sings with Selah) wife, Angie. If you've never checked out this blog ... do it now! :) Click on her name or on my sidebar there are two links to her. She is such an amazing woman of faith ... and I love how honest she is about her feelings and her beliefs. I think you will too. Anyway ... I was TOTALLY thrilled when I saw her at the concert! So, I was one of those people that irritated Marcus to no end when he traveled with the Gaither's (you know, the ones that stuck around way too long after the concert and made it so they couldn't get on the bus just so they could meet Bill Gaither in the flesh? Yep, we were those people). Missy and I stalked Angie until we could actually speak to her and get a picture with her! In fact, we waited longer to speak with her than we did to speak with Selah! Hee hee! Anyway, they were all great sports about it and I've posted the pics below. Now seriously ... check out her blog NOW!


Unknown said...

Had a great time bonding with you too....girlfriend!
We need to go to some more concerts together :)