Monday, April 7, 2008

Enjoyable Weekend

Happy Monday!

It's beautiful here today! Is it sad that I am overly thrilled about not wearing tights or pantyhose for at least 7 more months!?!?!? YIPPEEEEEEE! Although, I get many compliments on my patterned tights. :0)

Saturday we (me, Marcus, Aiden, Logan and my dad) all made a trip to Toledo, Ohio. That is where my dad is from. Marcus had never been up there and we hadn't seen my aunt, uncle and cousins in a few years! We had such a great trip. When we first arrived we went to see my cousin, Brian, play lacrosse. Now ... have you ever SEEN this 'game' played!?!?! And I use the term 'game' loosely! My goodness ... it's brutal! They can hit one another with sticks ... titanium sticks! I guess they have some padding on ... but not enough to justify hitting with sticks! Needless to say, I am glad that the schools around here are not offering this sport at the time. I don't think I could watch my boys play it! It was a fun game to watch ... fast moving. I just didn't know exactly what was happening or why. It's like soccer, hockey and baseball ... maybe even some basketball ... all in one! Just crazy! I've attached some pics ... but they do no justice to the pain I know was inflicted on some of this boys! My cousin is #36.
I've also attached some pictures of the boys from the weekend. My fav is the one of Logan taking a picture of the lacrosse game with his "camry" and he is looking UNDER the "camry" to see! HA!