Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pictures of the boys

Here are the newest pictures of our boys. I don't know how we got such cute kids! The baby in the picture is Gavin. Aren't they sweet!?!? Just had to share!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

It's the little things in life!

As most of you know, I am horrible in the kitchen. I have a handful of dishes I make well, but the bad experiences outweigh the good by far! So, a couple of weeks ago I successfully attempted 'pigs in a blanket.' We sat down for dinner around the table, Aiden said our prayer and then he took a huge bite of his 'blanket.' He turns to me and says, "Mom ... you are a great cook." What he doesn't know can't hurt him ... right? The very next day I decided that I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I began making one and Aiden asked if he could try one. (History: Aiden never liked peanut butter - so I don't think he has ever had a PB&J). I made him a half sandwich (cut diagonal ... the ONLY way to cut a sandwich). He took one bite and said, "Mom ... what do you call this and I will eat another one if you will make it for me!" I felt so proud! A couple days later Marcus was asking what they would like to have for lunch. Aiden replied, "My mom makes this sandwich on bread and cuts it. It has the brown stuff on one side and the purple stuff on the other ... do you know how to make it too Dad?" Took Marcus a second to figure out he was talking about a PB&J, but from what I hear, Dad makes a mean PB&J also.

See ... it really is the little things in life!
Have a wonderful weekend ... get that shopping done!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Aiden's Issues

Good afternoon!

I've yet another funny Aiden story:
The boys haven't been in the greatest of moods in the mornings. For instance, Logan was having a 'bad case of the Mondays' on Monday. Cried about every single thing. I hear that lasted well into his time at the sitter's. We made it through Monday, just to enter into Tuesday. Tuesday Logan woke up in the best of moods ... whew! He was hugging me, kissing me, laughing ... we woke up on the right side of the bed. Aiden however ... not so much. He was your basic whiny four year old for the first few minutes, then it all went to - well, you know. He asked if he could take a Hot Wheel to the sitter's (something we have never let him do). So I replied, "No, Aiden. If you take it there you will forget it and then be sad. Let's just wait until we get home tonight to play with it." He did not like answer. He threw the car across the room followed by throwing himself onto the floor crying like a baby. I then told him to pick up the car and hand it to me because he now lost it for the evening. I proceeded to tell him (calmly I might add ... I was very proud) that he was having some issues and needed to get it figured out so that he could have a much better day. His reply through his tears was, "What are issues and why do I have them!?!?!" It was all I could do not to crack up in laughter! It sounded like a woman if you want to know the truth. AHHHHH! I calmly (again, proud of that fact) told him that issues were problems and he needed to figure out why he was having a bad day and fix it. From what I hear, he figured out his issues within minutes of being at the sitter's and had a good day. Another crisis averted!