Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Carrie Out for 2008 ...

Good evening.
I am sitting here enjoying the sounds of the boys setting up the game, "Ants in the Pants" in order to play with Daddy. They are so excited to play these games with us lately (we really hit it big in the game department this year).

Anyway ... we have had a wonderful holiday season thus far. We started on the 23rd with Christmas at our house for Marcus' side of the family. Marcus made a wonderful dinner while others pitched in to make it complete. The kids had a fun time together. The night ended a bit early due to weather, but it was still fun. Christmas Eve morning Marcus made a HUGE breakfast for the four of us. We stayed in our pj's until mid afternoon when we headed to a Christmas Eve service. We ended up staying up until 1 am wrapping gifts and such ...whew! Christmas morning the boys actually slept in until 8 and then ate breakfast before digging into the gifts. They were both thrilled with their gifts. Aiden's eyes were huge when he saw that he finally got the skateboard he has been begging for and Logan's eyes were equally as large when he saw his new Thomas bike. We headed out the afternoon for Alexandria and about a million gifts with my family (can you say overboard?????) The boys got a basketball shoot thing with 15 other games! Marcus got a snowblower and I received a Kitchen-Aid mixer and new pots and pans! Now ... where are those cooking lessons I've needed for so long?

Anyway --- we are heading for Missouri tomorrow morning for a few days. I really miss my family out there and am excited to see all of them. My Aunt Leslie and her kiddos are going to be staying with us so that our FIVE boys can play together. Can you see nerf gun mania??? I will be sure to share the pics!

So ... this is my last post for 2008. As I sit here and think of all I've been through this year, I can hardly believe it! New house, new job, Dad had a stroke, celebrated my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary, my parent's 30th wedding anniversary, Marcus turned 30, Aiden turned 5, Logan turned 3, I turned 25 (just checking to see if you are really reading this), I finished college, Aiden started kindergarten, became landlords ... I could go on and on! But it's amazing to me how much I've seen God in each one of these items (and obviously more). Our faith grew a lot in 2008 ... and I am sure God has more faith stretching for us in 2009.

I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year and I'll write in a few days!
PS ... the game table has now started a game of "Operation." Did you know that the guy in that game now holds a cell phone!!!????

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bucket List

I am currently sitting at my desk with an electric heater at my feet attempting to thaw from my 2 hour shift of ringing bells for the Salvation Army this morning. I had a ringing partner that I had never met before and am so excited to tell you about her!

Her name is Cathrine and she turned 80 in June. She decided to make out a "bucket list" for herself (bucket list would be things that you've always wanted to do before - well, kicking the bucket). Thus far she's been able to check off having her first manicure, pedicure, going to Las Vegas, flying over the Grand Canyon in a 4 seater plane, attending her first demolition derby (that was my fav! HA!) and now ringing the bells for the Salvation Army. She doesn't have much left to do on her list. The one that is going to take her the longest is tracking down some of her friends she hasn't seen in years. Some live in Ohio, some in Florida and some she isn't sure where they are.

The other fun fact of Cathrine was that not only did she used to teach the music courses at a local school, but she was also the pa ton teacher! HA! I had no idea there was once a pa ton class or club!

Anyway, I am so glad I was blessed by Cathrine today. I know I will think of her for years to come. And now ... I think I should start my bucket list ...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice Ice Baby ... Too Cold ... To Cold

Out our backdoor. Looks beautiful if we didn't have to get out in it!
This limb was partly across the road.
55!?! I was lucky to get to 25!
Ice covered lane.
Deck lantern.
Trees in our backyard breaking like crazy!
Cook out anyone????

Well, we are chilled to the bone right now. Ice started around 1 am this morning. We lost power around 8 am and it's still not been restored (it's now 4 pm). I made it to work about noon and the kiddos are playing at Grandma's as they did not have school or daycare. The strangest thing of the days was right after we lost power we had a miniature thunderstorm complete with lightening and thunder (I know, thus the THUNDERstorm). ANYWAY! We've decided if we see locusts this morning that we are about to meet our Saviour ... but nothing other than those darn orange lady bug thingys thus far. I'll keep you posted (or see you there).

Love to all! Oh ... and check out the blog post below as today is my mom and dad's 30th wedding anniversary!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy 30th Anniversary Mom and Dad! (12/19)

WOW! I cannot imagine being married to the same person for 30 years (probably because that would be my entire lifetime up to this point, but still!) I am so blessed to be able to say that my parents are still married to one another. I am so proud of this fact because I know it hasn't always been easy - but somehow they've made it. I hope that today they sit and reflect on how blessed they truly are. They have three lovely daughters (yes, I said lovely and yes, in this picture we are truly dorks. Mom bought us matching pj's for a weekend in Cinci and we couldn't help but show them off!) ANYWAY ...Not only have they been blessed with the three lovely daughters, they've been even MORE blessed with three grandsons! This picture doesn't feature the kiddos in their best of moods (sunrise service for Easter) but you get the idea ... blessed.

Mom and Dad - thank you for being an example to us that marriage isn't always easy, but with faith, support and love 30 years of marriage is obtainable. We love you!
Marcus, Carrie, Aiden and Logan

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2008 Christmas Tour of Homes


I am participating for the first time in what is known as the Holiday Home Tour sponsored by BooMama ... I hope you enjoy our humble abode ...

First up, the tree. We have alternated years on which son gets to place the star on top. This year was Logan's ... I don't know how many more years Daddy is going to be able to hike the kiddos up high enough!

We have quite the eclectic tree complete with multicolored lights. I always notice those themed trees that looks so gorgeous and like they should be displayed in the window, but ours says "lived in" if you will. There are homemade ornaments from family members, ornaments that Marcus and I had as children, favs we have purchased or received as gifts. Most ornaments have a story about the person it was purchased for or about the person that gave it to us and so on. I highly doubt a themed tree is in our future, although they are gorgeous. Oh, and you may notice that some of the string lights are placed in a vertical fashion. Marcus and I have a "discussion" about this every stinkin' year! I think it's completely ineffective way of adding more lights and he swears by it. Someday I'll just string them by myself, but that hasn't happened in 5 years, so I am not holding my breath. Ok ... on with the tour!

This is my favorite part of our house. We have LOTS of shelves that I can put fun, festive items on. Marcus says it's just more for him to dust (which is true) but he has enjoyed it all thus far too.

Our nativity set is a cheap-o one that I bought a few years ago. I love it thought because they are all little kids! Look at the faces on the kings and Shepard! It's so sweet and it's perfect for a house with kids. I would be bummed if one broke, but not devastated like I would be if it were a family heirloom. The boys like to move the pieces and try to tell a story to go along with it. It's really sweet.

This center piece is what the boys enjoy most about our decorations. It plays Frosty the Snowman and the little ice skating snowman "skates" in circle.

o next is a view from out our backdoor. We have five pine trees that we did not like at all when we first looked at this house. We were going to have them removed as soon as we moved in --- but now I am so glad we didn't! We both love them. This picture doesn't do them justice. Next year I'd like to add more lights to them, but that wasn't in the budget this year. Oh, and yes, one of them is a runt.

You may have notice that there isn't a pic of our stockings. Yes, we do have them and they are displayed, but I am not thrilled about how they are displayed at this time. We have no place to put them! This is our first Christmas in our new home and we haven't found a place for everything just yet. I think we may try those hooks that stick to the wall and then are removed without leaving a mark. I am nervous tho ... anyone have a good/bad experience with them?

Well, now that you've endured the tour, why not sit down and enjoy a slice of eclair cake and a cup of milk with me. I'd love to get to know you too! Thank you for stopping by and I'd love to see you again soon!

Merry Christmas,


Eclair Cake: 2 packages of Instant French Vanilla Pudding, 2 1/2 cups of milk, 8 oz bowl of whipped cream, box of graham crackers, chocolate icing (dark or regular, not whipped).

Beat pudding and milk with mixer for 1 minute. Fold in whipped cream. Layer graham crackers in bottom of pan (9x9 works best) then spread a layer of pudding mixture and repeat until the top of the pan is reached. End with a layer of graham crackers. Refrigerate for an hour before icing. Best if then refrigerated for another 4 hours before serving. ENJOY!

Carrie - In One Word

So, a week or so ago an email was going around requesting people to submit back to sender one word that describes the sender. I am not a big forwarder of emails, but I thought this could be fun, so I went for it. Here are all of the terms that were submitted back to me:
WOO (Winning Others Over)
So ... I agree with all those terms!. It's fun to see how people view you. When I read the word that was sent to me and then saw who was the one submitting it I could easily see how they came up with that word.
What words would people use to describe you? Even better, what are the ones that they wouldn't use but you'd like to see used? Scary to think that way, isn't it?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Poem

I have no clue who wrote this poem, but I have to share it with all of you scrapbookers (or those that live with one that scraps ...)

Twas the night before Christmas, I'm glued to the tree. I'm wondering what Santa brought just for me. Could it be cardstock or chipboard or lace? Or a Cricut, I said, with a smile on my face. And that's when I heard him, "Hi Santa, " I said "You know....good little girls should be in their beds." "I know I should Santa, and now I've got caught. But I was just so excited to see what you brought." "Well, let's take a look in this room where you work. " He shook his head quickly, and left with a jerk. I heard him exclaim as he put it in gear. "You've got enough crap, I'll see you next year!"

I am also sharing a picture from our office Christmas party. Yep ... it was ugly Christmas sweater day. Big fun!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Man ... the weekends go way too fast these days. Friday, Aiden had his play date with Brent S. They had a ball. The first thing Brent's mom said to me was that Aiden had wonderful manners. Man ... that makes me so proud. Earlier in the week a person at the daycare told me the same thing about Logan. I love when our parenting methods actually take! Anyway, Logan wasn't feeling well that day (I'll spare you the details) so we just vegged on the couch that evening. We watched Frosty, Frosty Returns and The Flight Before Christmas while all snuggled up on the couch. I love that. Saturday we didn't do too much as we were waiting for my parents to arrive.
I was scheduled to ring bells at W*l-M*rt for the Salvation Army that afternoon. Mom and dad hadn't arrived, so the boys got to join me for awhile. They were too cute! Logan was not thrilled, he just stood there saying, "I am CooooooooLLLLLLd!" But Aiden was having a great time! He was singing Jingle Bells and talking to anyone and everyone that walked in. At one point, he looked at his reflection and said, "Mom ... I kinda look like a dork (and he did ... no one looks great in a toboggan even if it is a Colts one). So, he decided to sing Jingle Bells with his own lyrics: Jingle dork ... Jingle dork ... Jingle dork today. It was too funny. Where does he get it? After we thawed out, we went to a 50th bday party for some friends and then to the park in CC to see the lights. It was a fun night.
Today we just hung around the house. Mom and Aiden organized his closed and clothes while Papaw, Logan and I just vegged. The above pics are the boys wrestling with Papaw. The top one Logan is kissing his nose. So cute.
Side note ... to anyone and everyone that has received a Christmas card from us ... I am soooooooooooooooooooo sorry if you now owe the USPS a penny. I just realized that I sent at least 20 cards out with the 41 cent stamp ... oops. I am such a dork sometimes! I am really not that cheap! Again, I am sorry.
Have a wonderful week!

Friday, December 12, 2008

First Play Date

Ok, I know this is corny, but I have to share anyway. Two days ago, Aiden came home with a note from a parent. This parent asked said that her son, Brent, would like Aiden to ride the bus home with him on Friday so that they can make cookies, play and have dinner together. Now, Aiden has talked about Brent S. since the very first day of school. I include Brent's last initial as Aiden ONLY refers to Brent by his first and last name. Has cracked us up every time since school started! Anyway, I guess I think that this is a special moment because I remember how big of a deal it was when a friend asked for YOU and only YOU to come home with them after school. It was an even bigger deal when the mom's let it happen! So, today is the big day. Aiden woke himself up for school and was ready 15 minutes earlier than normal! He is so excited to be riding bus 5B instead of his bus home. So sweet. Of course I went over some rules with him and reminded him to use his manners and to eat what is given to him at dinner. He quickly looked and me and said, "But what if it's meatloaf ... or YOUR sloppy joes???" (we recently learned that he doesn't like MY sloppy joe's but LOVES the school's and he has always hated meatloaf ... but what mom would make meatloaf for a play date ??? right???). Anyway, I assured him that he could probably tell her those are two things he doesn't like and she wouldn't make them and to have fun. I cannot wait to hear how it goes ... and to eat some of the cookies they make! Do you remember the first time you went home with a friend after school? The ones I remember doing that with lived in my neighborhood: Nichole and Kim. I still am in touch with Nichole, but I haven't heard from Kim in years ... memories.

On a heavier note ... please pray for a former coworker of mine named Bill. He is a billboard poster and fell off a billboard on Wednesday and had to be air lifted to Indy where he is in critical condition. He has a broken ankle, hip, and a skull fracture. I will post updates if and when I hear them.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jingle John and his Reindeer! - Updated 11/11

***Update - FYI ... the picture on the top of the blog is 3 of the 5 pine trees we have in our backyard. It's funny ... the very reason we didn't want to purchase this home is the thing I am enjoying most about our holiday decorations! We (ok, Marcus did the work, but I asked him to do so) put lights on all 5 of them and I stare at them through our bedroom windows, living room window, kitchen windows and dining room windows! LOVE THEM!
Also, the picture of Logan (below) raising his hand was because he wanted to say something to the elf and kept his hand like that for 20 minutes! He finally said, "I have a dog!!" and that was it. Worth the wait?????? ***
Took the boys to the library last night to see a reindeer! The boys seemed to enjoy it, Mommy could have enjoyed it more if the reindeer weren't so smelly! There were a TON of people there (I am guessing 100 or more) so we didn't stick around for individual pictures, but the boys seemed ok with that. Aiden informed me that the elf wasn't real because the real ones are only in the North Pole and they wouldn't be on vacation during December! HA!
Check out our Elf Disco video before you leave. It's good for a laugh or two!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekend Update

We had a very busy weekend. The boys were invited to their babysitters home in Alexandria for the annual Christmas party. They literally were counting the days down all week until they got to play with Jonah and "Seff" (Seth, but Logan says Seff and it's so darn cute!) Saturday was the Farmer Family Christmas Party (Marcus' fam) and the SDI Christmas Party. We were just party hoppers! Sunday Marcus and I went out shopping and got a majority of our Christmas shopping done ... HOORAY!

Oh, and a HUGE answer to prayer came along on Saturday morning. After having the house on the market for 6 months with no offer, we put out an email a week ago that we were going to rent our house and we've already gotten a renter! It's an answer to prayer for both sides and she's already called to say how nice and cozy the house it (ok, and to let us know that the fridge is having an issue, but I like to dwell on the positives!) Anyway, we are certainly learning that everything happens in God's time. We never wanted to become landlords, but right now selling isn't in the cards. Funny story though, the renter was thrill because the kitchen's theme is apples, the master bedroom is purple(ish) and the other bedroom is blue ... all three are the same as the house she has to move from! She said it was a sign.

Ok, I am off to make chocolate suckers with the boys. A little "elffett" (is that female for elf or is elf not gender specific?) gave us this chocolate melting machine and it's time to try it out. I'll post pics.

Have a wonderful week,


Friday, December 5, 2008

Lifehouse - Everything Video by CCC

I've posted this video before of another youth group performing this skit. I am proud to say that this one is performed by the youth @ Christian Congregation Church in Alexandria where we used to attend (and will always consider it our home church). Great job CCC Youth!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tag ... you're it!

I've been tagged!

1. Two Names You Go By: Mom or Mommy (the kids seem to call me Mommy when talking to me, but when they are talking to someone else about me it's Mom, weird). My dad always calls me Sunshine.

2. Things You Are Wearing Right Now: My wedding rings and my grey high heeled boots. Luckily I am wearing much more than just those two items. I gag at the thought!

3. Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment: A church to call home up here and a McDonald's sweet tea.

4. Two people who you look up to: Grandpa Davis and Dad.

5. Two things you did last night: took a hot bath and watch the Trans Siberian Orchestra on PBS ... not nearly as entertaining on tv as it is in person. Now that is a concert! I've added a couple of my favs to a playlist - enjoy and rock out!

6. Two things you ate yesterday: sloppy joe, rice.

7. Two people you last talked to: Marcus (via text messaging) and Cindy @ work.

8. Two Things you're doing tomorrow: Driving into Fort Wayne for an appointment and coming in to work.

9. Two longest car rides: IN to Mexico with stops in AZ and CA and IN to Washington, DC.

10. Favorite Holidays : Thanksgiving and Christmas

11. Favorite Vacations : Jamaica with Marcus in January 2007, Gatlinburg, TN on our honeymoon in 2003.

12. Last trip: Branson in July 08.

13. Two favorite beverages: McDonald's Iced Tea and Mt Dew. Can you say S-U-G-A-R!?!?!

Ok, so I tag: Missy F., Missy S., Stacie and Leslie. By the way, most of the time when I tag someone they never do it! We'll see this time ...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Aiden's first steps ... Turn up the volume.

It's hard to believe that he is 5 1/2 now. He was going after the channel changer that was on the couch. Doesn't that laugh just make you smile? (You'll need to mute my play list so that you can hear this video).