Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Carrie Out for 2008 ...

Good evening.
I am sitting here enjoying the sounds of the boys setting up the game, "Ants in the Pants" in order to play with Daddy. They are so excited to play these games with us lately (we really hit it big in the game department this year).

Anyway ... we have had a wonderful holiday season thus far. We started on the 23rd with Christmas at our house for Marcus' side of the family. Marcus made a wonderful dinner while others pitched in to make it complete. The kids had a fun time together. The night ended a bit early due to weather, but it was still fun. Christmas Eve morning Marcus made a HUGE breakfast for the four of us. We stayed in our pj's until mid afternoon when we headed to a Christmas Eve service. We ended up staying up until 1 am wrapping gifts and such ...whew! Christmas morning the boys actually slept in until 8 and then ate breakfast before digging into the gifts. They were both thrilled with their gifts. Aiden's eyes were huge when he saw that he finally got the skateboard he has been begging for and Logan's eyes were equally as large when he saw his new Thomas bike. We headed out the afternoon for Alexandria and about a million gifts with my family (can you say overboard?????) The boys got a basketball shoot thing with 15 other games! Marcus got a snowblower and I received a Kitchen-Aid mixer and new pots and pans! Now ... where are those cooking lessons I've needed for so long?

Anyway --- we are heading for Missouri tomorrow morning for a few days. I really miss my family out there and am excited to see all of them. My Aunt Leslie and her kiddos are going to be staying with us so that our FIVE boys can play together. Can you see nerf gun mania??? I will be sure to share the pics!

So ... this is my last post for 2008. As I sit here and think of all I've been through this year, I can hardly believe it! New house, new job, Dad had a stroke, celebrated my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary, my parent's 30th wedding anniversary, Marcus turned 30, Aiden turned 5, Logan turned 3, I turned 25 (just checking to see if you are really reading this), I finished college, Aiden started kindergarten, became landlords ... I could go on and on! But it's amazing to me how much I've seen God in each one of these items (and obviously more). Our faith grew a lot in 2008 ... and I am sure God has more faith stretching for us in 2009.

I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year and I'll write in a few days!
PS ... the game table has now started a game of "Operation." Did you know that the guy in that game now holds a cell phone!!!????