Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fashion Show Pictures

Hello. Some of you know that Saturday the boys and I were in a fashion show. Our county held their business expo (cleaverly titled Whitley County EXPOsed) and I volunteered to run this fashion show. I had no clue what I was getting into! Luckily, all six kids that participated did a great job, so did the teens and adults. I think everyone actually had fun. We now realize why models make so much $ ... that was hard work! I wouldn't believe it either had I not done it myself. Funniest story from the day was the fact that my mom told someone off during the fashion show! I guess I did something kinda dorky (I know ... shocker) and the lady behind mom says, "Well, that was dorky. She'll never be Amercia's Next Top Model." So, mom turned to her and said, "Well, that may be right, but let me tell you what she IS good at. She organized this fashion show, wrote the script, found models, got the clothes and is running a booth. If you have any other comment, please run them through me as I am her MOM!" Yeah, she messed with the wrong Mama! Anyway, here are some pics from the day for you to enjoy. OH - the above pic is the boys after the fashion show. I told ya, hard work!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Twilight Night Highlights

So, last Saturday was Twilight Night! It was so much fun. I think there were about 15 ladies that gathered around the TV to watch (ok - giggle, oooooh, ahhh and scream) Edward and Bella falling in love and all that goes with falling in love with a vampire. HA! I have to say that the book is so much better than the movie, but the movie was good. Marcus bought it for me and we watched it together. He even enjoyed it! He said it was nice to watch a movie about vampires with his wife (he's into that scary stuff, but Twilight is so NOT scary!) Anyway ... here are the pics!
Below is "Team Edward!" I found these shirts at Wal-Mart and had to get them for my girls Cindy and Missy. Aren't we cute?
Below is the arrival of Edward himself in his famous silver Volvo. Uh huh ... yep, that the real Edward Cullen. That is definitely NOT a pillow case!Closer shot of Edward's arrival.
Alice Cullen even came to visit our party! Isn't she cute?
And then there was Victoria! Eeeeek!
HA! Needless to say, a great time was had by all even if they weren't Edward freaks!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pray for Stellan

Please pray for this little boy named Stellan. He is truly a miracle but is fighting for his life today. If the link above doesn't take you to her site, use the button at the praying for on the side.
Thank you for praying,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh Logan ...

I am starting to wonder if Logan is always going to entertain us with his unique stylings: For more of his unique styling - check prior posts.

We visited Alexandria on Sunday. My grandma was there from MO. Here are some of my favorite shots of Gavin and Aunt Sandy from that day.

Friday, March 20, 2009

First Day of Spring!

Spring ... doesn't that just feel good to say? Spring - we welcome you with open arms!!!!

Well, I've won my battle with the flu. It must have started sometime early last week. I say this because there were a few days that I would wake up ill. And yes, our first thought was that I was pregnant. And no, we are not. By Saturday evening I had the chills and lots of other things that I will not put into this blog (you're welcome). Sunday I barely made it out of bed and Monday I took the day off to recover. It's funny, because Monday ended up being one of my favorite days of this year thus far. The weather was perfect! I slept most of the morning and early afternoon. Showered around 2 and sat on the deck doing nothing ... absolutely nothing. I didn't think about work, I didn't think about being sick, I just didn't think. Then when Aiden came home I watched him and Logan play and scream and laugh for hours. It was just the medicine I needed.

Hope you all stay well and enjoy some lazy days this weekend!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lots of Catching Up ...

Hello! I wish I could say that I've been really busy doing something constructive ... but I don't think that many of you will find that reading the Twightlight Series is all that constructive. However - it is quite addicting. I hate to read. Seriously ... I have NEVER been a reader, but these books have been a great escape. I do enjoy reading books that I can relate back to my personal life, but this I can just read and forget (although it seems that I talk about these characters like they are my friends, so I guess I may have a problem!) Anyway, the books are 400-600 pages long and I have been reading them in a short number of days (3 is the average). Too funny. Ok ... on with the post.

Did I ever show you the flowers that Marcus got me for Valentine's Day? I also got a certificate for a massage that I still need to cash in. So excited! I think he loves me a little. And I think I am a bit spoiled.

Last Saturday we headed into Alexandria for my sisters bday. We were able to have lunch with our friends that we miss so terribly. It was a fun time of catching up and laughing. Below is a picture of me with all the pregnant ones ... (insert sigh here). Aren't they beautiful? Pictured is Carrie, Jami, Jen and me.

Here are some cute pics of the kids that day. This is Camden, Adrianna and Aiden is in the background.

I love this one of Logan and Adrianna. So funny!

The whole gang! In back is Logan, Tyler (or Trevor), Aiden, Trevor (or Tyler), front is Camden and Adrianna. The next gang picture is sure to have at least 2 new additions (Jami and Jen are due in April). Can you tell that I am excited?

Ok - below is a series of pictures of Logan. This is what can happen when you allow Logan to play alone in his room for hours on end. He really enjoys playing by himself. I think he needs that alone time to recharge ... but look what can happen!

Check out the gun in the "holster!"


And below are pictures that make me wonder why we even bothered to get him a bed! We walked in last night to kiss him on our way to bed and here is how we found him. He looks rather comfy if I do say so myself!

Ok - I hope I didn't bore you with all the pics. I will try to space pictures out from here on out. Of course - I can say this since I am on the last book of the Twighlight Series! HA!
Love to all,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm jumpin' right in ... how much do you love my new blog look? I am in love with a website that I stumbled upon this week. It's called Scrapblog (http://www.scrapblog.com/). They have free templates that all you have to do is drop a picture or two in and play around. They have "stickers" (see the OH BROTHER sticker?) and other options that you can add to it. You can buy upgrades, but I went with the freebees and love it. Marcus liked it too. For those of you that do not blog, you can use it as a scrapping program too - it's just digital. Perfect to email to those persons that do not get to see your actual scrapbooks. Can you tell I am seriously pumped about this program? Just worked perfectly for my blog. Yippee!

This weekend we are heading back to Alexandria for a short visit. My baby sister is turning 24 on Saturday! Wait - what did I just say?? 24 ... that does not even seem possible. I don't talk to her as much as I'd like and we certainly do not see eye to eye a lot of times, but I do indeed love her. I've been thinking alot about her lately and thought that I could share some of my favorite things about her:

* the flaring of her nostrils. Seriously ... they are HUGE!

* when she was little and called biscuits - baskets and baskets - biscuits. I still do not see the connection, but it was funny.

* she also would say fwizorator for refrigerator. Cute.

* her laugh - it totally fills up a room.

* her style - it's unique, but she totally pulls it off.

* watching her with my boys. I am not sure which one acts more silly - them or her!

* her will power to quit drinking pop. It's been like YEARS for her. That is totally nuts in my book.
* when she used to make you call her Sandra or Sandra D or Sandra Dawn. She refused to answer to Sandy.

* her artistic ability. She really is gifted.

Happy birthday Sandra Dawn!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our New ... Camper!

What is the quickest way to put off getting that new sunroom you've been dreaming of, that third child that you are pretty sure you'd like to have, a storage barn for your new home, an MBA, a redecorated bedroom and bathroom and a Caribbean vacation ... SURVEY SAYS: Buy a brand new camper!!!!! That's just what we did on Saturday at the Boat, Sport and Travel show. We've been attending this show faithfully for 7 years, and every year we contemplate purchasing a camper. We had been thinking pop up, but the deals on this 26 footer were AWESOME! The dealer also sold out of the '08 model that is pictured and is what we were pricing so they upgraded us to the '09 model at the price of the '08! We will not get to take her home for a few weeks as they had to order it in! I've never had anything on wheels that had to be ordered in! EEEK!

Now - we know that the economy isn't at the best these days. We also know that we are going to have to cut out on eating out so often, buying scrapbooking supplies that may not truly be needed, and my wardrobe my grow a bit stale in the next few months/years, but we felt like it is worth the "sacrifices" due to the joy that we know it will bring our little guys. They are so excited about it. We just had a family dinner talking about the last camping trip we had and how many more we can enjoy together. Alvin better have his boat on standby, because it was mentioned by Aiden and Logan at least 10 times.

So - be prepared for lots of outdoorsy pics this summer. And not to mention the pics of when we actually get to go pick it up. We are really excited about this investment at this time in our lives. I never thought I would say that about a camper!!!