Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rambling ...

I am not sure that I have much to post. Friday we went to watch Aiden in his first class 'play.' He was a doggy (much better than what I was in my first class play ... a skunk!) He did a great job and then we got to stay and do a craft with him. Saturday I scrapbooked all day and Marcus took the boys to watch Brody race go carts. They didn't get home until midnight. Marcus was tucking Aiden into bed and Aiden said, "Dad, this turned out to be a great day. I thought I was going to play outside all day, but instead we got to watch go carts!" So cute. Sunday we went to church, napped and then spent a few hours at Alvin and Steph's so that Alvin could have a play date with the boys. They 4-wheeled for hours!

Ok, so I wanted to try out this thing other bloggers have been doing. I was SUPPOSE to do it on Monday, but that day got away. So, Tuesday it is! Enjoy ...

FOR TODAY Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Outside My Window... I hear the construction going on. They've got the entire entrance to our building blocked. Good thing is that I can still cut across to the McD's to get my sweet tea. NOTHING gets between me and my sweet tea.
I am thinking... about the fact that I only have six weeks of school left before I am FINALLY done with my bachelor's! Praise the Lord. (Yes, next week this will be the same thought with only 5 weeks, then 4 and so on).
I am thankful for... The above answer and for my boys. I had a wonderful evening with them last night eating leftovers and reading books. I filled their baths up with way too many bubbles and we just laughed and laughed. I love seeing their personalities coming through.
From the kitchen... hahaha! Oh man ... from our kitchen you normally can hear the smoke alarm and know that mommy must be in there. Last night our kitchen was filled with the smell of hard boiled eggs and tuna (making tuna salad) and leftovers. Yumm-o!
I am wearing... my gray boots! I love boot-wearin' weather! Oh, and I am wearing my glasses, again. My contacts are giving me all kinds of issues.
I am creating... a spreadsheet to keep track of all my prospective students. We have this high tech computer program that is here to help me with it, but I just can't grasp it. Thank goodness for my trusted Excel 07.
I am going... to my first rotary meeting. I am all about networking and meeting new people, but for some reason the title of rotary has me a bit worried. Not sure why ...
I am reading... my Ethics textbook. Not nearly as enjoyable as the Shack that I just finished up. Although, both books offer ideas that I could take or leave.
I am hoping... that everything works out for the weekend. Marcus and I had a miscommunication problem (really doesn't happen often, but when it does WATCH OUT) so now we are debating which plans to ditch.
I am hearing... the radio via the computer. Star 88.3 is a great station up here.
Around the house... there are lots of toys and clothes. It's not messy, but not picked up if that makes since. Can you tell that mom is in charge this week?
One of my favorite things... is fall. I love the colors of the leaves, the sound of the leaves crunching, all the fall festivals, the smells, the fact that I can wear long sleeves and jeans without people telling me it's 90 degrees out and I am crazy ... poor circulation here people!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Not a lot this week. I have some homework to finish up, but other than that I promised Aiden we would read several books each night and just hang out.
Here is picture thought I am sharing... This is Logan and his friend Riley. They were at a bday party and Riley was telling him how to play the game. She held his hand the entire game time. I am sharing this photo as Riley's family was one of our first friends in our new neighborhood. They moved on Sunday to Montana! They sold their house in 8 days and were off. The new couple moved in yesterday and made me really miss Riley, Samantha, Ben and Missy. I hope they are having safe travels (24 hours in a packed minivan with 2 girls ages 6 and 3 does not sound like fun).

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mr. Romantic????

So I have to admit that I've never considered Marcus a romantic, but I am learning more and more that he really might be ... even more so than he knows! Here's what led me to this conclusion:
He's been working his night shift (did anyone else just break out into song???) and has to leave before me and the boys are in bed. The last three nights when I've gone into our bedroom he has had my light on the nightstand on for me. Now, you have to understand that he brushes his teeth before going to work (thank goodness) in our bathroom. Our bathroom door is right next to his light on his nightstand. He could easily turn his on or none at all. But instead he walks around the bed to my side to turn on mine. I just think that is so sweet. It's something so simple, but means so much - like he is still trying to protect me even though he isn't there - ya know?
Romance is not always chocolates and flowers. I am learning everyday that it's more about laundry, dishes and night lights.

Anyone want to share your significant other's way of being romantic? Let's keep it PG now ladies! HAHAHA!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Action Packed Weekend

Where do I begin? Friday night we took the boys to the Whitko homecoming football game. We had a great night of football, fireworks and family time. We came home and waited for my parents and Gavin to get there. As you know it was my dad's bday so Logan and I decorate dad's birthday cake (pictured above). We gave him his cake and gifts. Saturday we hung out at the fall fest riding rides and I was in the parade. That evening we headed to the mall for food and shopping. Sunday morning Aiden decided to run in the 1 mile fun run. Crazy ... I know! His cousin Brody said he would run with him (he's in cross country ... thanks Brody). Aiden finished 9th out of 18 runners that were probably 10 and under???? Either way we were VERY proud of him. He finished in 9 minutes and 14 seconds. Brody told us that he never stopped running! Seriously, I was more proud of him for running that than watching him play baseball. I don't really know why ... maybe because bball comes so easily to me and running doesn't that I respect him for it? I don't know ... either way, so proud. He got a medal (every runner did) but he calls it a gold medal. He is so proud of that thing. I framed the picture of him crossing the finish line and of him holding his medal and gave it to him. He placed it on his shelf and enjoys looking at it. Did I mention how proud I am of him??????

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad's 52nd birthday. He is coming up to our place for the weekend. I am very excited. The boys and I are going to make his favorite birthday cake (white cake with milk chocolate icing) and we have some really cool gifts for him.

This birthday seems a bit more special to me this year. On July 17th, dad had a small stroke. Luckily he was only away from work for 6 weeks and seems to have made a full recovery although the dr.'s still are unsure as to why he had the stroke. Anyway, the experience made it all to clear how precious life is and how I should cherish my time with him. So, with all that said, here are 52 that I love most about my dad (or remember doing with him when I was little).

*Sunday afternoon wrestling matches.

*The smell of hamburger and onions (the only thing he can cook).

*The time he warmed up frozen waffles for me ... in the microwave.

*Our phone conversations.

*Watching him play baseball with my boys.

*The way his hands felt when I was little. They were always rough from boxes, but they were still comforting.

*His laugh.

*His baseball card collection.

*The way he loved (and still does) his mom.

*His organizational skills. Seriously, if I had half of them I would be in good shape!

*His work ethic. The man never calls in sick (ok, other than for a stroke or back surgery! HA).

*Playing catch with him in the middle of Chipaway Drive.

*Driving around looking at Christmas lights after he got home from work.

*He was the only one I would go trick-or-treating with.

*Daddy walking me down the isle.

*His face when he held his newborn grandsons.

*He taught me to mow the grass.

*He taught me to change a tire (I do neither of the last two now, but I could at one point in my life).

*The drives to Toledo every third weekend.

*He treated his three daughters as fairly as possible.

*He didn't judge when I brought a drunk friend home.
*The fact that I'll have to print this blog entry off so that he can read it. He's never used a computer!

*He is forgiving.

*He recognizes me for the woman I am today.

*He made it to as many sporting events as he could ... even for cheerleading!

*He's a Detroit Tigers fan.

*He's a Green Bay Packers fan.

*He a Colts fan.

*He's a Pacer's fan.

*He's a Nolan Ryan fan.

*He's a Brett Favre fan.

*He's my fan.

*He's Aiden and Logan's fan.

*He took us sledding ... down the driveway.

*Building snowmen.

*Snowball fights.

*Good's donuts and Sunday night with the Oldies on the radio.

*He's Pepsi addiction. Really ... it's a problem.

*Watching hockey with him when I was little.

*Being his bat girl when he coached the church softball teams.

*His strength.

*His faith.

*Watching him rock with my boys.

*Hearing him try to sing, "My Girl."

*Seeing his face light up when he is singing "My Girl."

*His record and 8 track collection!

*His discipline.

*His sense of humor (well, most of the time).

*The fact that he's proud of me even though I know I didn't make things that easy sometimes.

*He cares about my friends.

*He prays for me and my family.

*Watching him do anything with my boys.

*And the number one reason ... because he's my Daddy and I will always be a Daddy's girl.

I love you Daddy!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Smartest Nephew

I have the smartest nephew in the world! Gavin and Jamie came to spend the night with us last night. Gavin has a new trick! He can say 'baby' and then point to the Gerber Baby on a label! Seriously, so smart. Watch the video and check out the cute pictures!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Homemade Cookies ... Icing and All!

Are you sitting down? I made homemade cookies and homemade icing with the boys this evening. SHOCKER ... I know! I thought we had some break-n-bake cookies in the fridge and I promised the boys if they took a nap after church that we would make cookies. Well ... we had no break-n-bakes and of course they remembered my promise. So, I found a recipe that only required flour, powered sugar, butter and vanilla. We had all those so off to mixing I went! It made a really thick batter so that the kids could form it into shapes. We made a turtle, butterfly, flower, several worms and Logan made two ramps. We baked them while I mixed the icing and then we decorated until our ADD kicked in and we couldn't do it any more. The boys have both eaten one and they saved a bunch for daddy to eat tonight (lucky him). I may try to sneak a pic of Marcus actually eating them ... and then a pic of him actually alive tomorrow! HA!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New pics and videos. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My sensitive boy ...

Last evening while I was preparing dinner (I know ... HUGE shocker! And it wasn't even anything in a box! Craziness). ANYWAY ... last evening while I was preparing dinner (still funny) I found the movie, "Fox and the Hound" on tv. I had never actually seen it - but I figured it was ok since it was an older Disney movie ... right!? WRONG! Aiden and Logan were watching it and I happened to look over to see Aiden crying ... I mean BAWLING. I went over and asked him what was wrong and he sobbed while telling me that Todd (the fox) had lost his mommy and it was sad. I held him for a few minutes until the tears had subsided and he decided he still wanted to watch it. By the way, Logan is totally oblivious to all of this. So, about 20 minutes later while I am STILL making dinner I hear him crying again. I walk over to see what has happened now. He explained that the neighbor that was a farmer had a gun and was going to shoot Todd. He did NOT want to watch this movie anymore. Ah, it just broke my heart. Luckily, the farmer did not shoot Todd and we continued to watch until Todd met the foxy fox and all seemed better. We turned it off before the true ending due to dinner being ready (very delicious I might add). I just thought it was so sweet that his heart was so broken and sensitive to that. My sweet boy.

The picture above is from about two years ago. Aiden had won a fish at AWANA and they were trying to decide what to name him. They were debating between Nemo and George. He went with Nemo. We've had three fish since that Nemo ... all have been named Nemo. HA.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nothing exciting ...

Not much is going on here these days. I had a great weekend. Friday night we took the boys to stay with Grandma and Papaw Hoffman for the weekend. Marcus and I went into the big town of Fort Wayne and had a date ... yep, an actual date. We got to the Jefferson Pointe Mall about 5:45 and walked around for awhile. I love window shopping with Marcus. Now, if I am on a mission - forget it. He's staying home. We went to dinner around 7:30 and then more shopping at Kohl's. We went to a late movie (too late for us! 9:40 ... that is ridiculous) and headed home about 11:30. I was beat. Saturday I did some homework and at 5 went to dinner and bowling with some friends that I used to work with. We had a great time ... until I pulled a muscle in my neck. This leads to Sunday. I was too sore to move. I was like a zombie. I seriously laid in bed until 3 when I went to get the kiddos. BLAH! Aleve does wonders however.

This week is actually not too action packed. Saturday we are taking the boys to something called, "Plow Day." I guess the Amish and us 'English' get together to compare plows and eat! What could be better!?!?!

OH ... today is Aiden's picture day at school. He looked very handsome in his polo shirt and spiked hair. Do they still give out those unbreakable combs on picture day??? I'll be sure to let you know!

Talk to you soon,

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Faith of a Child

I don't have to tell any of you that live in Northern Indiana that it's dry here ... really dry. Since we moved here nearly 6 weeks ago - it's rained once (of course we were camping in a pop up camper that leaks, but at least it rained). The grass is so dry that you cannot walk on it barefoot (unless you're a Farmer sibling that can walk across glass with no problem). ANYWAY ... Last night we got a little rain. I was working late when I received this text from Marcus: "Aiden says Jesus saw our grass and said we should get rain." Faith of a Child.

Marcus has been taking Aiden to and from the bus stop in the morning and afternoons while he's home. The morning 'shift' cracks me up because it's normally three daddy's that are on the corner with the kiddos. I love that! All three of them stand there with their coffee in hand and look so proud and not at all embarassed that they are doing this duty. Anyway, when the kids get off the bus all of them are in the upper grades of elementary and no one comes to the stop to walk them back to their homes. Well, Marcus does this with Aiden. So, last night Aiden said, "Dad, do you think you can do something for me?" Marcus said, "Yes - what?" Aiden replied, "Could you stay in the house tomorrow when I get off the bus so that I can just walk with the other kids?" OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course Aiden doesn't understand the safety measures we are taking, but we never thought that it bothered him that Marcus walked him home. So, they came up with an agreement. Marcus will wait at the end of the driveway and just watch as they walk to the house. Thankfully our house is just 5 houses from the stop ... straight shot. Faith of a Child.

Lastly, if you haven't read Angie's blog entry this week titled "The Chicken" you must do so now!(http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/) HA-LAR-IOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, one more thing. Dad returned to work on Tuesday and is doing well. He is glad to see the people on his route and I think he's getting back into his routine.

Have a great week!