Monday, April 28, 2008

Another fun weekend!

Photos from Aiden's 4-wheel experience with Alvin and Daddy. Aiden wasn't impressed with Daddy's 4-wheelin' skills. Daddy did not go up the 'ramps' fast enough so Aiden switched drivers. It was quite funny.

Here are Aiden and Braydon totally tuckered out after playing outside all day with Grandma. They love sleeping on the air bed.

This pic is from Saturday. We scrapped until we dropped (10 a - 11:15 p!) Picture are Steph, Missy and Beth. I had a lot of fun girls ... and actually got some things accomplished! Who knew!?!?!

As you can see, we had a fun weekend. Friday was a nice evening talking with my in-laws and enjoying the weather. Saturday was the all day scrap and Sunday we toured some homes and ended up at the lake for T.C.'s 13th birthday party. It was great to see some family that we hadn't seen since Christmas or before. We didn't get home until after 9, so we are all a bit tired. Tonight is Aiden's AWANA Cubbies program and then out to eat with my family to celebrate my sister and mom's birthday's. I guess I should go buy them gifts!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Weekend Happenings

Good afternoon!

I am glad to say that this week has been much less eventful than the previous ones ... although it's only Thursday! I say this even though I have managed to dump three McDonald's Iced Tea's on me, lost my debit card (left it in another ATM and that bank destroyed it) and managed to forget to turn off my curling iron once or twice this week ... other than that ... BORING!

I guess that we have had one 'exciting' event. Logan is potty training and has been trying to learn to stand and do the deed. Well, today the seat fell on his 'self' and now it's bruised! OUCHIE!!!!! I think we'll live though.

I am looking forward to the weekend. The boys and are heading to Larwill to see family. Saturday I will be scrapping all day with Steph and Missy in Warsaw ... so fun! I don't think I'll have to wear my boots this time. HAHA!

Have a wonderful weekend all,

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another trip to the ER

Here's a new picture of the Gavin-ator (I just came up with that one!) Jamie about died when I put that camo hat on him. Go redneck or go home!

Well, we made another trip to the ER this week. This time for Logan. Around 1:30 am on Saturday morning, I heard Logan trying to call my name and trying to cough. He was having a hard time breathing and was really wheezing. I call my sis (a nurse) and asked what she thought. She told me to take him to the ER. First we called the on call dr. and she said that same thing. So ... of we went. Oh, by the way, my mom came and picked up Aiden and took him back to her house. On the way I called a friend of mine that I knew would be awake. I just asked her to pray for Logan and for me as I was just beyond stressed at that point. We arrived to the ER around 2 and were taken back to a room. Two seconds later, my friend Heidi (the one I called) was at the door! She came to keep me company. I so needed that even though I said I didn't. LOVE YOU HEIDI! Anyway. They gave Logan a breathing treatment right away and checked his oxygen levels. The levels came back at 97%, but the dr. wasn't sure that was right so we did some x-rays. After the x-rays Logan got a double shot of a steroid. Two nurses came in to do it at the same time (in his thighs) but there was a third nurse. I asked what she was for and they said to catch mommy if she passes out again! I guess I have a reputation @ the Community ER! HAHAHA! We then stayed for observation and were on our way around 5 am. WHEW! What a night. They said it was croup related - but he is fine now. I just hope we don't go through that again.

I am ready for a boring week!



Friday, April 18, 2008

We are earthquake surviors!

Can you believe it!?!?! A 5.4 earthquake in Indiana! This morning @ 5:39 am. Yep ... shook my bed. Ask me about the entire story sometime ... I was pretty sure it was the end of the world! Thanks to my Dad for being a great sport and coming to my house @ 5:45 am to make me feel safe until I knew FOR SURE it was an earthquake. Aiden said, "This is the day that the Lord has made ... earthquakes and all."

Tomorrow is our anniversary (see below ... and Marcus did read and even commented!). I received the beautiful flowers and balloons attached. I have a wonderful husband.

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wuv ... Twu Wuv!

Marcus and I were able to attend a marriage retreat with our church this last weekend. Many of our very close friends from bible study (past and present) were also able to attend. We had a wonderful time talking about issues that we all have in marriages. We had a couple that had only been married 2 1/2 years all the way up to 52 years! It was great to hear perspectives of all the couples. There were a lot of laughs ... lots of tears ... but mostly growing together as Christians. I know that Marcus and I learned a lot from this retreat.
Saturday, April 19th is our 5th wedding anniversary! I can hardly believe that it's been 5 years. Let's see if he actually reads my blog!
Marcus - you are the best husband I could ever asked for. You put up with every little quirk that I have (and even love some of them!) and I do not know anyone else that would do that. I know that we have been through a lot this year and I cannot believe how much we have grown from everything. I love you more and more everyday. I have so much more to say, but I know that you HATE reading ... so I'll stop here because I am sure the card I give you on Saturday will have a lot to read too! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! And I cannot wait to see what the next 5, 10, 15, 50 years hold.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

T Ball

Aiden had his first practice game yesterday. He did pretty well. I've attached some pics (the last one is of Logan stealing his friend's food!)
Also, Aiden did get his stitches out yesterday am. He asked the nurse if he could keep them so mommy could put them in his scrap book! AHHH! They look like tiny blue ants. Boys!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Here's a picture of the great deal I got last night (see below).

Are you kidding me?????

Are you kidding me situation #1 ... Himelick-ish Act: Monday's are normally a bit rushed after work due to us needing to take Aiden to AWANA. I was late getting the boys from Valerie's - so I was already in a panic. About 5:30 the boys were eating string cheese and having a juice box (I know ... I am such a health conscious mom!! YEAH RIGHT!) That's when I hear Logan coughing like I've never heard before! So hard! He did that a few times and I though all was better. Then he coughed twice and looked at me with a look that I could tell something was wrong. Oh my ... did I ever want to panic! Instead I flung (literally) Logan over my shoulder and hit him on the back with the heal of my palm. I only had to do that twice before the cheese was now on the floor ... THANK GOD! Logan sits up off my shoulder and looked at me like, "What in the world was that all about!?!?!" I just hugged him and said a prayer of thanks and got to cleaning up the remains of the snack. As I was doing so, I began to cry from the stress of it all. Needless to say ... we were late to AWANA. Logan's eye lids now have little purple specks from busted capillaries or something of that nature. I tried to get a pic of them, but you can't see them. It's a cute picture though, so I posted it anyway.

Are you kidding me situation #2 ... Scrapping Tote Bargain: I have been eyeing a paper sorter tote made by Crop in Style for months. I have seen them as pricey as $190 (WHAT!?!?!) and found them on Ebay for around $90 with shipping. I was planning on going that route until I was shopping @ Meijer. I saw three of the totes on the clearance rack for $77! I was thrilled! Marcus said to buy it and it was my anniversary gift. DEAL! So, I head up to the cash register thrilled with my find and guess what!?!?!?! It rang up @ $51!!!!!! So, now Marcus owes me a $26 anniversary gift since I saved even more! Below is the picture of my newly stocked paper organizer.

Are you kidding me situation #3 ... Diaper Changing Table Bargain: I am co-nursery coordinator @ church. We recently opened an infant nursery that needs some new items. One major item that we've needed is a diaper changing table. I've kept my eye out for a good deal b/c my dad was going to donate towards the purchase. I have seen some as low as $80 @ Target ... but they just seemed like a plate on sticks! Well ... last night while Aiden was at AWANA, Logan and I were killing some time at K-Mart. Logan refused to sit in a cart, so we were just walking around aimlessly. Somehow we ended up in the baby furniture section and there it was ... a beautiful white changing table complete with drawers and a little shelf at the bottom. I knew it would be out of our price range ... but I thought why not go ahead and check out the price. I took a picture of the price tag from after I purchased it ...
ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I looked at the stock boy and asked him why. He said because they are getting rid of that line. I told him it was for church and he said, "Well, this is a God thing." Well ... go!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Enjoyable Weekend

Happy Monday!

It's beautiful here today! Is it sad that I am overly thrilled about not wearing tights or pantyhose for at least 7 more months!?!?!? YIPPEEEEEEE! Although, I get many compliments on my patterned tights. :0)

Saturday we (me, Marcus, Aiden, Logan and my dad) all made a trip to Toledo, Ohio. That is where my dad is from. Marcus had never been up there and we hadn't seen my aunt, uncle and cousins in a few years! We had such a great trip. When we first arrived we went to see my cousin, Brian, play lacrosse. Now ... have you ever SEEN this 'game' played!?!?! And I use the term 'game' loosely! My goodness ... it's brutal! They can hit one another with sticks ... titanium sticks! I guess they have some padding on ... but not enough to justify hitting with sticks! Needless to say, I am glad that the schools around here are not offering this sport at the time. I don't think I could watch my boys play it! It was a fun game to watch ... fast moving. I just didn't know exactly what was happening or why. It's like soccer, hockey and baseball ... maybe even some basketball ... all in one! Just crazy! I've attached some pics ... but they do no justice to the pain I know was inflicted on some of this boys! My cousin is #36.
I've also attached some pictures of the boys from the weekend. My fav is the one of Logan taking a picture of the lacrosse game with his "camry" and he is looking UNDER the "camry" to see! HA!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Trip to the ER

Well ... we've made our first trip to the ER for stitches! Here's the story:

I received a call from the sitter around 1:30. She told me everything was ok, but we needed to head to the ER. She was going to meet me there. Luckily Marcus was home for the day - so I told her to stay there and Marcus would pick Aiden up and I would meet them @ the hospital. Off we all went. I had no idea what to expect. All I knew was that he had hit his head from jumping, but I had no idea on what. Marcus and Aiden came into the ER and Aiden was smiling so that eased my mind. He told me he was jumping ... not on the bed, just on the floor and he hit his head on a dresser! OUCH!!! So, we checked him in and I finally asked to see it (he had a cold cloth over it). I wasn't ready to see it really. It was about an inch (3 cm is what I heard) vertical line up the center of his forehead. I started feeling a little queasy so I asked for some ice chips and a cold cloth ... for myself! The nurse came in and put some numbing cream on it. Marcus had to hold the cotton ball for about 20 minutes ... the entire time I was sitting making sure I wasn't going to faint! Finally the nurse practictioner came in and thought she could do the stitiches without the numbing stuff via a shot. WRONG! The first time she touched Aiden he was crying. I think a little out of being scared and maybe some pain. So, she said she'd give him the shot. AHHHHHHHHHH! Ok ... Marcus cannot watch needles and mommy is feeling faint ... what a combo! I did manage to stand up and go hold Aiden's hand beside daddy. I thought I was doing fine until Aiden cried very hard from the shot. She said it would burn. I haven't heard him cry that way ever! I started crying and the nurse said, "Mommy ... go sit down." OOPS! Luckily Aiden couldn't see mommy crying. I gathered myself, but decided to stay sitting. The NP kept talking to Aiden, but he didn't really care. He was just trying to figure out what was going on. Finally ... after what seemed like an eternity ... Aiden sat up to show off his new blue stitches (10 total - 8 on the outside and 2 inside). I clapped for him and told him that I was so proud of him! Next thing I know ... I am heading toward the hospital bed myself! YEP ... my lips went white, I got dizzy and came VERY close to passing out. So ... now Aiden was sitting where mommy was while mommy was on the bed with cold clothes on my head, legs and neck! Well, we sat there until my lips were pink again (about 15 minutes) and off we went! We have to return in 5 days to have them removed ... Aunt Jamie will be going with us ... she's a nurse!

Thank you for the prayers that you guys said for our family when you knew we were heading to the ER not knowing what to expect. I am sure that these 10 stitches are the first of many ... I am the mom of 2 boys!

Have a great week!