Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Have you missed me?????

So. How do I look in striped? Notice I wore a matching headband (duh!!). This is a photo from today's MDA Lock Up. I want to thank all of you that donated to this cause. I raised $445 through friends and family. The MDA persons were very pleased with the money that was donated. Again, thank you. I hope I am asked to do this again next year. By then, I hope to feel comfortable enough around town to ask local businesses to support me. I just didn't want to push too much being new in town - ya know?

Things have been quiet around here lately. Nothing too excited. I do have a video of Gavin I am dying to share ... if Nick would email it to me! Anyway, he's finally walking and showing off! Last Saturday he climbed out of the crib, crept down the hall (passed a staircase - he's on the 2nd floor) to wake up his daddy! SURPRISE!!!!!!!!! We have a climber. Jamie asked me what I did when my boys did that ... um, they actually never did - so I had no answer. Of course I think this story is sooo funny, but it's equally scary. Anyway, as soon as I have the video I will share!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dinner Time Conversation ...

Logan to Daddy, "Daddy is the boss, right?" Daddy shakes head in agreement.
Logan to Mommy, "Mommy is the boss too, right?" Mommy shakes head in agreement.
Daddy to Logan, "Who is the boss of Mommy and Daddy?" Trying to be a smarty pants but Aiden got him!
Aiden quickly replies without lifting his head from his plate, "Jesus!"

Well ... there... you ... go.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Updated Prayer Request

Just found out a bit more from a girl who visited her yesterday. Sat she was fine and felt the baby moving, Sunday she did not feel the baby move so she went to the hospital. She also did not have the baby taken yesterday. He will be delivered later today. Which to me, makes the whole process a lot worse. The Dr.s are having her go through actual labor to deliver the baby as it should result in a far shorter recovery time for her than a c-section.

Please pray for her through this today and let her deliver quickly how ever it happens. I guess she also was given the option to deliver last Tuesday and chose to wait one more week, so the "what if's" that are coursing through her mind have to be terrible. Please pray that she remains strong and that every bit of strength we can muster up for her is given to her today!

Urgent Prayer Request

A girl I used to work with @ Red Gold is in need of urgent prayers. Here is an email I just received:
Please keep the family of Renee in your prayers. She was scheduled to go in tomorrow for a C-Section to deliver her baby. Yesterday God chose to take the baby home with him instead. We are not sure of the details right now and she had to have a c-section yesterday to remove him. I can not believe or begin to imagine the turmoil she is in right now. Carrying your child for nine months and not being able to take him home. She is still in the hospital and does not want to talk to anyone or have any visitors. Everyone is so sad here at work for her and they just had a shower for her on Friday.

Renee is my age and she has a little girl that is probably 6 or 7. Please keep this family in your prayers. I cannot imagine what she is going though.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

This post is part of "Hi/Lo Thursday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to read everyone else's "Hi/Lo" posts and for a chance to win $100.

Hello all. I am trying something new this week. I've been reading the Riggs Family Blog for a few months now and am just now participating in the Hi/Lo Thursday fun. Here we go!

Our highs for the week are:
*The weather! We had lots of rain yesterday ... but it was RAIN, not snow. High winds were a factor, but we had no damage. The sun has been out and a coat is not a necessity ... weird for Feb 12th here in Indiana.
*I've kept up with the working out. I am really proud of myself to tell you the truth. The boys have been participating with me, which has really kept me going. Logan told me to keep going and I was doing a great job the other day while we were doing crunchers. ARG.
*Looking forward to tonight's date with Marcus. We haven't had alone time in quite awhile. He is working Saturday so it's our Valentine's day celebration too. In fact, I have a dozen multi-colored roses sitting here on my desk that he sent today. I love him.

Our lows for the week:
*I truly do not have a low for us this week. However ...
*I have placed several links on this blog of persons (mostly babies/toddlers) that I have been praying for. These children are sick and going through things I cannot imagine. I have been touched by the faith of their parents and I just encourage you to take some time ... and some Kleenex ... and pray for them.

Oh ... and how do you like the new look of my blog? I love this background and I think I have found one that fits this blogs' personality. Thoughts?

Have a great weekend all,

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How Do You Know ...?

How do you know ...

-Q: What the sex of your chia pet is?

A: Well, if it's only growing "hair" on the armpits and back, it's male.

Q: How do you know that children love family members even if they've never met them?

A: When they want to make a sign to say happy birthday to an uncle they have never met. Marcus's brother, Donnie, has - um - lived elsewhere the entire time we've been together. The boys have not been to see him yet still were excited to wish him happy birthday (it's today, the 8th). Logan even wanted to give him his favorite birthday card which was from his Aunt Debbie and it plays the song, "You Are My Sunshine." I about cried (and I should mention we did not send him the card, I just told him how sweet that was). Kids are so sweet.

Q: How do you know that your 5 year old notices the way Mommy looks?

A: When he sees you getting ready to workout to a DVD and he says, "Mom - you don't look like those girls!"

Q: How do you answer the above statement from your 5 year old?

A: Simply say, "Nope, I look like a Mommy."

Q: How do you know that the said DVD might be working?

A: Your abs hurt so bad that you do not want to laugh, bend over, put on pants, sneeze, cough, squat to sit (especially on the toilet ... didn't realize what leg muscles are used to do such a task), the list is endless really.

Q: How do you know that everyone in your town has cabin fever?

A: When you venture to the mall with your young children, drive around the parking lot looking for a place to park for 35 minutes just to find about a million people in Macy's and in the food court. Seriously worse than it is @ Christmas time!

Q: How do you know it's time to end a post?

A: When you have both kids in bed and a hot bubble bath and good book is calling your name.

Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm Wanted ...

WANTED: Carrie Hoffman

Description: Usually Wears a Smile

CAUTION: Heavily Armed With Kindness…This Could Be Contagious!

PRIOR CONVICTION: Thoughtfulness and Generosity

Please Help Me!!! I have been arrested and will be put in jail for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Lock-up. Don’t even bother asking what crime I have committed – it’s not really that important. I just have to raise my bail of $1600 before the Lock-Up and they will go easy on me, but I need your financial assistance to post my bond. Please lend your support during the:

Whitley County Lock-Up 2009 @ Bones Theatre, Columbia City

Your 100% tax-deductible donation will help MDA continue research into the cause and the possible cure of the 43 neuromuscular diseases they cover. Your support of the MDA Lock-Up will also help MDA provide medical equipment, clinic visits, support groups and a magical week of MDA Summer Camp for the families served by the Association in our local area.

All you have to do is click here to make a secure, online donation before 02/24/09. Your donation will help families living in our community and help guarantee me an early release. I can't wait to add you to my list of contributors.

Thanks in advance for your help. Don't hesitate to call or email me (choffman@huntington.edu) with any questions.

Together we'll make a difference,


P.S. I'm counting on you, click here to donate.If the link above does not work, please cut and paste the address below into the address bar of your Internet browser.https://www.joinmda.org/whitleycountylockup2009/choffman/

Sunday, February 1, 2009

75 Random Facts

If you are my friend on Facebook, you've probably have already had the joy of reading this. If not and you wan to know 75 random things about me, grab a cup of joe and enjoy!

1. I hate mashed potatoes.
2. I cannot stand to hear people say the word "moist."
3. I put my socks and shoes on left to right at all times.
4. I have a blog (http://clhcorner.blogspot.com)
5. I love my two boys more than life itself.
6. Marcus is my best friend.
7. Marcus and I weren't even friends in high school, but went to the same high school (he slept beside me in Spanish!)
8. I have colored my hair since I was 17.
9. I love to scrapbook.
10. I am a college graduate as of December 2008!
11. I flunked out of college the first go around.
12. I played softball in college for Anderson University.
13. I am a christian ... but I've never been baptized!
14. I am the funniest person I know.
15. I still do not know what I want to be when I grow up.
16. I want to have another baby - my husband ... not so much.
17. I freak out at the sight of raw chicken and will sterilize anything and everything that comes in to contact with it.
18. I cussed Marcus out when he proposed.
19. My driver's license still says I weigh 120 (which was even a lie at the age of 16!)
20. I enjoy being the center of attention.
21. I am very unorganized, but can usually find anything you request if you do not move my piles!
22. I delivered a 10 pound, 6 oz baby without the use of drugs. Delivered Aiden without drugs too, but he was only 7 lbs 6 oz. Hurts almost the same though.
23. I've dressed like a tomato, raven and a tiger. Wonder what will be next.
24. I am a huge fan of The Little Mermaid.
25. I love my girlfriends like family!
26. My sister Jamie and I were in the same geometry class in high school. I was a senior, she was a freshman. I flunked out at semester, she passed with an A+ both semesters.
27. I was once hospitalized for what the doctors thought to be leukemia. I was tested and tested again and after 2 days was told I did not have it. I thank God for this almost daily.
28. I have a broken back. I broke it when I was 13, had back surgery when I was 14, yet still have pain (more than I originally had ) to this day.
29. I couldn't watch Frankenstein in high school because of the scar my back surgery had left on my spine. I don't think it would bother me now.
30. I miss our "first friends in South Whitley" nearly every day. It's a bit odd since we only knew each other 2 or 3 months and we really never hung out ... but I just know we would have been great friends. Marcus and I talk about them a lot ... weird, and sad ... I know.
31. I hate halloween. Actually, I hate masks and being scared. I fake like I enjoy it now for the boys, but I would rather just hide. I don't even like handing out the candy.
32. I never drank in high school. I was always afraid that my parents would find out.
33. I had a dentist appointment the day after my first kiss and I was afraid that the dentist would be able to tell and tell my mom. Seriously, I was sick to my stomach thinking he could tell!
34. Since gaining weight this last time, I've considered buying maternity jeans.
35. My sister Jamie is my best friend. I tell her everything. She is brutally honest with me and I love that about her. We have very different lives, but would be lost without each other. I feel the same way about my friend Jill. I miss her.
36. I am a daddy's girl and always will be.
37. Marcus and I were engaged nearly 4 years before walking down the isle.
38. I was 8 months pregnant with Aiden when we got married (insert gasp here).
39. Marcus and I wouldn't be where we are today as parents, husband/wife or christians had it not been for the joy and pains we experienced while being unmarried and pregnant. I admit the sin, but I do not regret one thing about the whole situation because of what we learned. I will not ever hide this fact from either of my children.
40. I sometimes just need to scream outloud just because.
41. I have no set side of the bed. My side of the bed must be the furthest from the door.
42. I have lived in a haunted house.
43. I once thought that a demon had taken over my bed. It was an earthquake and makes for on heck of a story!
44. Steve Park (ex-NASCAR driver) asked me out. I had to say no since Marcus was with me. :) Jamie would be so proud.
45. I pass out - alot. Not from drinking!!! I pass out when I get sick, get too hot, am stressed, tired ... I once passed out while driving.
46. I cannot stand water in my face. I have to have control of the water that hits my face. I only wet my face with a cloth. My boys have learned the hard way not to spray mommy.
47. I miss my old church so much it hurts.
48. I miss my Grandma Erskine every single day. I know that she would have been so excited to see my boys. She died at 58 and it's still hard for me to believe because I truly thought she would live forever.
49. I secretly would love to be a hand model.
50. I hate feet. I have just recently gotten to the point that I can appreciate the cuteness of babies feet, but just barely. The only time I touch Aiden and Logan's feet are to cut their toe nails because Marcus refuses to do them in fear of hurting them.
51. I once wore a water bra (didn't need it then either, guess it was a fad) and it broke at work. Every time I moved my arm it would leak more and more.
52. I met Senator Evan Bayh recently. I shook his hand and afterwards went into the ladies room to apply lipstick just to realize that I had blue icing from a toaster strudel on my lip. It was from the good bye kiss Logan gave me that morning. Lovely.
53. I have always been told I have a great smile, but I am not fond of it.
54. I still cannot believe that God trusted me with Aiden and Logan. I cry just thinking about it.
55. I am outgoing and have never been accused of being shy.
56. I love to tell stories no matter how embarrassing they may be.
57. I sometimes share too much.
58. I am a total clutz.
59. My junior year prom date and I had babies on the same day, same hospital within an hour apart. Obviously this wasn't the same child. Our sons played on the same t-ball team 5 years later.
60. I've always been jealous of my sister Jamie's looks. She is gorgeous.
61. I listen to mostly Christian music, but I am a HUGE AC/DC fan followed closely by Motley Crue and Poison.
62. I flunked Bible twice at AU. It wasn't until last year when I took it as an adult that I passed. I got an A.
63. I don't think Brad Pitt is hot ... at all.
64. #21 is my favorite # because it was the date that I had my first kiss with the biggest crush of my life. I was so nervous I bit his tongue.
65. I came very close to having twins when we had Logan. The other embryo didn't form at the ripe age of 9 weeks. I never felt like I needed to mourn but I do sometimes wonder what life would have been like with twins. God knew what he was doing.
66. I was in the Morrison Hall basement bathroom @ AU straightening my hair on 9-11. I was getting the play by play from Bob and Tom Q95 radio station. I stayed there for 2 hours listening to the coverage.
67. I've been taken by ambulance to the hospital 4 times.
68. Aiden is named Aiden because I was watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and "Aiden" from Sex and the City is in the movie. I ran home and asked Marcus if he liked that name and we were settled from there. Logan's name comes from the show "Yes Dear." A little boy on the show named Logan went running across the screen and Marcus and I looked at each other and said, "Logan ... that's a good name!" I know... thoughtful.
69. I love dough. I went through a time in my life where I craved pillsbury croissant dough and gave into that carving.
70. I hate going to any doctor because I always feel like they think I am making up a pain or something. Once they start the tests or what not they normally do find something wrong with me. I just hate feeling like they think I am stupid and making it up.
71. I doodle my name alot. Every church bulletin that has touched my hands probably has my name on it ... at least 10 times.
72. I saw my sister get hit by a car and still have visions of it in my sleep.
73. I don't deserve Marcus but thank God for him everyday. I do not know where I would be without him.
74. I do not like to hug. If you get one from me that I initiate ... WHOA! Feel special. As a friend said the other day ... I can love from afar. I prefer fist bumping these days. PS - this does not apply to my boys, Marcus included. :)
75. I think it's sad that this took me no time to construct 75 random things about me! I could go on and on and on and on and ...