Monday, February 16, 2009

Updated Prayer Request

Just found out a bit more from a girl who visited her yesterday. Sat she was fine and felt the baby moving, Sunday she did not feel the baby move so she went to the hospital. She also did not have the baby taken yesterday. He will be delivered later today. Which to me, makes the whole process a lot worse. The Dr.s are having her go through actual labor to deliver the baby as it should result in a far shorter recovery time for her than a c-section.

Please pray for her through this today and let her deliver quickly how ever it happens. I guess she also was given the option to deliver last Tuesday and chose to wait one more week, so the "what if's" that are coursing through her mind have to be terrible. Please pray that she remains strong and that every bit of strength we can muster up for her is given to her today!


Unknown said...

I just read your blog...I can not imagine what your friend is going through. Have you heard anymore on how she is doing. She is at the top of my prayer list.
Keep us posted.