Sunday, February 8, 2009

How Do You Know ...?

How do you know ...

-Q: What the sex of your chia pet is?

A: Well, if it's only growing "hair" on the armpits and back, it's male.

Q: How do you know that children love family members even if they've never met them?

A: When they want to make a sign to say happy birthday to an uncle they have never met. Marcus's brother, Donnie, has - um - lived elsewhere the entire time we've been together. The boys have not been to see him yet still were excited to wish him happy birthday (it's today, the 8th). Logan even wanted to give him his favorite birthday card which was from his Aunt Debbie and it plays the song, "You Are My Sunshine." I about cried (and I should mention we did not send him the card, I just told him how sweet that was). Kids are so sweet.

Q: How do you know that your 5 year old notices the way Mommy looks?

A: When he sees you getting ready to workout to a DVD and he says, "Mom - you don't look like those girls!"

Q: How do you answer the above statement from your 5 year old?

A: Simply say, "Nope, I look like a Mommy."

Q: How do you know that the said DVD might be working?

A: Your abs hurt so bad that you do not want to laugh, bend over, put on pants, sneeze, cough, squat to sit (especially on the toilet ... didn't realize what leg muscles are used to do such a task), the list is endless really.

Q: How do you know that everyone in your town has cabin fever?

A: When you venture to the mall with your young children, drive around the parking lot looking for a place to park for 35 minutes just to find about a million people in Macy's and in the food court. Seriously worse than it is @ Christmas time!

Q: How do you know it's time to end a post?

A: When you have both kids in bed and a hot bubble bath and good book is calling your name.

Have a great week everyone!


Anonymous said...

I love your Q&A....Kids help us keep everything in the right frame of mind :)