Thursday, August 28, 2008

Crazy glasses + chocolate milk = funny pics!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to work!

My Dad had an appointment yesterday with the neurologist and found out that he can return to work on Tueday after Labor Day! Hooray. I could tell he was excited to get back on his route and see his customers. He has been keeping busy so that is good.

Remember how 'strong' I was on Aiden's first day of kindergarten? I hadn't had a rough day until today/last night. He has learned to tie his shoes. I know - it's a great thing, but that was the very last thing that we had to help him do in the dressing process. He just seems so big now. Marcus took the boys to daycare this morning and Aiden was picked up on the bus there. As I passed his bus on the road I saw all the kids in there and it hit me, my kid is one of those kids laughing and screaming on the way to school. He is on that bus making friends. He informed me last night that he has been chasing the neighbor girl on recess. He tells me that he isn't 'in to' girls yet, but I am not so sure. Then there is Logan. He is talking so much more, completely potty trained (thank God!) and his personality is so evident these days. He seems like a big boy too. I have no baby-ness left in my house. So, today is a rough one for me. My sister, Jamie, is coming to stay with us tonight with my 9 month old nephew. Finally ... some baby-ness in our house ... if only for 24 hours.

Life ...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Not much

Hello. Not much going on here this weekend. The boys are going to Marcus' parents for the weekend so that Steph and I can scrapbook. LOVE THAT! Sunday I will have to do some homework though. Oh well, hopefully scrapping is productive enough that I won't care about slaving away on Sunday. HA!

Aiden has informed us that he is tired of recess. He said it wears him out because he gets all hot and sweaty. Marcus told him not to run so much and he just looked up at his dad and said, "Dad ... it's recess!" Like ... duh dad. What else would I do! Oh, we have our hands full with that one. Logan is loving daycare - er- preschool. He isn't old enough to be in the actual preschool, but he gets mad if you call it daycare. He has a school too.

Talk to you all soon!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Michael Phelps Fly ... GOT HIM!

Just a quick update ... I killed the illusive fly. I wanted to take a picture of me with my kill, but no one would take the picture for me. Sorry.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Below this post is a slide show of our new house now that we're all moved in (well, as moved in as we can be for only being here for 4 weeks). We are quite proud and loving it thus far. However, there are a few things that I cannot get used to:

*The bugs ... mainly the flies. They are everywhere. Not just outside. Everywhere in our house! I have a fly swatter in the kitchen AND our bathroom. There is this one fly that resides in the kitchen that is the Michael Phelps of flies! I cannot catch him! When I do, I swear I am going to stuff him and hang him on the wall! (The fly ... not Michael Phelps! HA!) There are also about a bizillion (yes, it's a word!) other types of bugs that like to die on our deck. Hmmm ... odd, I know.
*The rabbits. Rarely do I look out our backyard without seeing at least one rabbit. Saturday there were 5 there ALL DAY LONG! Not complaining, just find it strange. We only have 5 baby pine trees that provide no shade and that's where they like to hold their meetings. I don't get it.
*The horse poop. Yep ... you read it right. We are now near Amishville USA and quite frequently we have to dodge poop in the middle of the road. I have seen more poop than road kill in these parts.
Funny side note: Our friend, Christy, used to tease Marcus and say that he looked Amish (think about it ... yep ... it's true!) So Marcus made up this character and voice that he will ONLY do when Christy is around (which isn't often enough since she lives in TN). But, it's so funny. He calls himself Hans Graber Yoder. When we moved here I told him he'd better be careful or he may be confused for someone's long lost brother Ismel! I know ... I am horrible - but I found it ha-lar-ious!
*The neighbors. They are all so nice! They either have children or grandchildren our age. They don't care if the boys "accidentally" ride their bikes through their yard. Heck ... they don't care if you run into their Buick (although your insurance carrier does). I haven't decided if I like how much they watch over the house though. I met a neighbor today that said she watched for me to come out of the house all weekend so she could meet me (I was in bed sick all weekend). Hmmmm ... Did she have anything else to do!?!?! Also, there are 3 elementary teachers or staff and the highschool baseball coach in the neighborhood. It's a good place.
*Sidewalks. We have sidewalks! What a concept. I remember when we moved into Yule Estates when I was in 4th grade and how thrilled I was that there were no sidewalks. Fast-forward to me being a mommy ... I LOVE SIDEWALKS!

Well, there are more but this has turned into a rather wordy post. So, I'll bid you farewell for now!

OH WAIT! Many of you have asked how Aiden's first day went. I'll quote him. "Mom. School doesn't last that long." By the way, he's in all day kindergarten. Marcus and I were happy with that statement and thought this year should be a breeze! That was Thursday. Friday's statement was, "School is way boring." Back to reality.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aiden's first day of school!

He's off to kindergarten. I can hardly believe it. No tears for Mommy thus far. He did seem so little getting on that huge bus by himself.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Meeting the neighbors ... it's not just taking cookies over!

So ... we haven't met all of our new neighbors. We've met one that lives right beside us, but not the other. Well, I changed some of that today!

I was ready to leave for work and noticed that the sun was blinding. I was planning on taking the car but my sunglasses were not in it. I checked the Tahoe for them but couldn't find them. I decided not to worry about it. BAD DECISION! I pulled out of the driveway and my windshield immediately fogged up. I tried finding the defrost button - and did - just in time to look up and see that I was ready to hit the neighbor's Buick that was parked on the street! Yep. I hit it and hit it hard. I immediately started crying. They all came out and were so very nice. The cop came and said, "Let me guess, sun in your eyes?" I replied, "Yes, is that lame?" He said no because he had just driven our neighborhood and had thought to himself how blinding it was. WHEW! He then asked for my driver's license and I told him that the address was wrong. He asked what the new address was. I told him and he looked up and pointed to the house. Yep ... that's me! He said, "Well, most accidents happen less than 2 miles from home." I said, "Well sir, we are only 50 feet from the house!"

He did all the paperwork and then said, "Let's get this all cleaned up. Ma'am, I think your pride is over there!" OUCH! HAHAHA!

So ... my pride is hurt, my mouth is sore because I bit my lip and jaw, but other than that I am fine. The neighbors are really nice and the guy wants to let Marcus ride his Harley! God sure does have a sense of humor ... doesn't He?

I am trying to download the pictures from my cell. I got them to my computer but they will not post on here right.

PS ... say a prayer ... we had someone come look at the house last night!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008



Got a call from Aiden the other day while I was at work. Daddy took him to get his hair cut and he called to tell me he had a pink and green 'o-hawk!!' (another Aiden-ism) I about died. I yelled at Marcus telling him that we are the newbies in town and now everyone is going to think Aiden is a hoodlum! AHHH! Well, it was washable and his haircut is just fine, can be a spike, o-hawk, or just hair. :0)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Where did it go!?!

So ... I got my new computer from HU and I was so excited to check out my blog and all the text is gone! Is that an issue for all of you? Every other computer I've used has been fine ... strange!

Anyway ... yesterday was my first day at HU. It was your basic first day of meetings and talking about insurance, tours and hand shaking. It was a long day (12 hours!) but that's ok. Everyone seems very nice and thus far they have liked my outfits, shoes - jewelry and all! :0)