Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to work!

My Dad had an appointment yesterday with the neurologist and found out that he can return to work on Tueday after Labor Day! Hooray. I could tell he was excited to get back on his route and see his customers. He has been keeping busy so that is good.

Remember how 'strong' I was on Aiden's first day of kindergarten? I hadn't had a rough day until today/last night. He has learned to tie his shoes. I know - it's a great thing, but that was the very last thing that we had to help him do in the dressing process. He just seems so big now. Marcus took the boys to daycare this morning and Aiden was picked up on the bus there. As I passed his bus on the road I saw all the kids in there and it hit me, my kid is one of those kids laughing and screaming on the way to school. He is on that bus making friends. He informed me last night that he has been chasing the neighbor girl on recess. He tells me that he isn't 'in to' girls yet, but I am not so sure. Then there is Logan. He is talking so much more, completely potty trained (thank God!) and his personality is so evident these days. He seems like a big boy too. I have no baby-ness left in my house. So, today is a rough one for me. My sister, Jamie, is coming to stay with us tonight with my 9 month old nephew. Finally ... some baby-ness in our house ... if only for 24 hours.

Life ...


jamiekoontz said...

UMMM....OKAY. That one got me since we didn't come :(

We will have to do a slumber party at your place soon.