Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nothing exciting ...

Not much is going on here these days. I had a great weekend. Friday night we took the boys to stay with Grandma and Papaw Hoffman for the weekend. Marcus and I went into the big town of Fort Wayne and had a date ... yep, an actual date. We got to the Jefferson Pointe Mall about 5:45 and walked around for awhile. I love window shopping with Marcus. Now, if I am on a mission - forget it. He's staying home. We went to dinner around 7:30 and then more shopping at Kohl's. We went to a late movie (too late for us! 9:40 ... that is ridiculous) and headed home about 11:30. I was beat. Saturday I did some homework and at 5 went to dinner and bowling with some friends that I used to work with. We had a great time ... until I pulled a muscle in my neck. This leads to Sunday. I was too sore to move. I was like a zombie. I seriously laid in bed until 3 when I went to get the kiddos. BLAH! Aleve does wonders however.

This week is actually not too action packed. Saturday we are taking the boys to something called, "Plow Day." I guess the Amish and us 'English' get together to compare plows and eat! What could be better!?!?!

OH ... today is Aiden's picture day at school. He looked very handsome in his polo shirt and spiked hair. Do they still give out those unbreakable combs on picture day??? I'll be sure to let you know!

Talk to you soon,