Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mr. Romantic????

So I have to admit that I've never considered Marcus a romantic, but I am learning more and more that he really might be ... even more so than he knows! Here's what led me to this conclusion:
He's been working his night shift (did anyone else just break out into song???) and has to leave before me and the boys are in bed. The last three nights when I've gone into our bedroom he has had my light on the nightstand on for me. Now, you have to understand that he brushes his teeth before going to work (thank goodness) in our bathroom. Our bathroom door is right next to his light on his nightstand. He could easily turn his on or none at all. But instead he walks around the bed to my side to turn on mine. I just think that is so sweet. It's something so simple, but means so much - like he is still trying to protect me even though he isn't there - ya know?
Romance is not always chocolates and flowers. I am learning everyday that it's more about laundry, dishes and night lights.

Anyone want to share your significant other's way of being romantic? Let's keep it PG now ladies! HAHAHA!



Chris said...

You want romance...Glen cooked me Hamburger Helper the other night while I was buried up to my eyes in homework! That is seriously romantic :) If he hadn't cooked for me - I wouldn't have eaten...even better than that, he made me grilled cheese a few nights before so I could keep studying - gosh I just love him!

Pete Wilson said...

My wife leaves me random notes that I find in different places. I love it.

Unknown said...

Kenny does those sweet things for me also and I just love it. When he knows I am having a bad day at work he will surprise me with famous McD's sweet tea. He will bring it to me at work and then surprise me with little notes.....LOVE IT!!!!! We do have some awesome special guys.