Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fashion Show Pictures

Hello. Some of you know that Saturday the boys and I were in a fashion show. Our county held their business expo (cleaverly titled Whitley County EXPOsed) and I volunteered to run this fashion show. I had no clue what I was getting into! Luckily, all six kids that participated did a great job, so did the teens and adults. I think everyone actually had fun. We now realize why models make so much $ ... that was hard work! I wouldn't believe it either had I not done it myself. Funniest story from the day was the fact that my mom told someone off during the fashion show! I guess I did something kinda dorky (I know ... shocker) and the lady behind mom says, "Well, that was dorky. She'll never be Amercia's Next Top Model." So, mom turned to her and said, "Well, that may be right, but let me tell you what she IS good at. She organized this fashion show, wrote the script, found models, got the clothes and is running a booth. If you have any other comment, please run them through me as I am her MOM!" Yeah, she messed with the wrong Mama! Anyway, here are some pics from the day for you to enjoy. OH - the above pic is the boys after the fashion show. I told ya, hard work!