Friday, March 27, 2009

Twilight Night Highlights

So, last Saturday was Twilight Night! It was so much fun. I think there were about 15 ladies that gathered around the TV to watch (ok - giggle, oooooh, ahhh and scream) Edward and Bella falling in love and all that goes with falling in love with a vampire. HA! I have to say that the book is so much better than the movie, but the movie was good. Marcus bought it for me and we watched it together. He even enjoyed it! He said it was nice to watch a movie about vampires with his wife (he's into that scary stuff, but Twilight is so NOT scary!) Anyway ... here are the pics!
Below is "Team Edward!" I found these shirts at Wal-Mart and had to get them for my girls Cindy and Missy. Aren't we cute?
Below is the arrival of Edward himself in his famous silver Volvo. Uh huh ... yep, that the real Edward Cullen. That is definitely NOT a pillow case!Closer shot of Edward's arrival.
Alice Cullen even came to visit our party! Isn't she cute?
And then there was Victoria! Eeeeek!
HA! Needless to say, a great time was had by all even if they weren't Edward freaks!


Unknown said...

Team Edward "CAPTAIN"
I love the pics! Thank you again for inviting me. I had a great time and enjoyed my evening. I am 1/2 way done with the 4th book.....I can't wait to finish.