Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2008 Christmas Tour of Homes


I am participating for the first time in what is known as the Holiday Home Tour sponsored by BooMama ... I hope you enjoy our humble abode ...

First up, the tree. We have alternated years on which son gets to place the star on top. This year was Logan's ... I don't know how many more years Daddy is going to be able to hike the kiddos up high enough!

We have quite the eclectic tree complete with multicolored lights. I always notice those themed trees that looks so gorgeous and like they should be displayed in the window, but ours says "lived in" if you will. There are homemade ornaments from family members, ornaments that Marcus and I had as children, favs we have purchased or received as gifts. Most ornaments have a story about the person it was purchased for or about the person that gave it to us and so on. I highly doubt a themed tree is in our future, although they are gorgeous. Oh, and you may notice that some of the string lights are placed in a vertical fashion. Marcus and I have a "discussion" about this every stinkin' year! I think it's completely ineffective way of adding more lights and he swears by it. Someday I'll just string them by myself, but that hasn't happened in 5 years, so I am not holding my breath. Ok ... on with the tour!

This is my favorite part of our house. We have LOTS of shelves that I can put fun, festive items on. Marcus says it's just more for him to dust (which is true) but he has enjoyed it all thus far too.

Our nativity set is a cheap-o one that I bought a few years ago. I love it thought because they are all little kids! Look at the faces on the kings and Shepard! It's so sweet and it's perfect for a house with kids. I would be bummed if one broke, but not devastated like I would be if it were a family heirloom. The boys like to move the pieces and try to tell a story to go along with it. It's really sweet.

This center piece is what the boys enjoy most about our decorations. It plays Frosty the Snowman and the little ice skating snowman "skates" in circle.

o next is a view from out our backdoor. We have five pine trees that we did not like at all when we first looked at this house. We were going to have them removed as soon as we moved in --- but now I am so glad we didn't! We both love them. This picture doesn't do them justice. Next year I'd like to add more lights to them, but that wasn't in the budget this year. Oh, and yes, one of them is a runt.

You may have notice that there isn't a pic of our stockings. Yes, we do have them and they are displayed, but I am not thrilled about how they are displayed at this time. We have no place to put them! This is our first Christmas in our new home and we haven't found a place for everything just yet. I think we may try those hooks that stick to the wall and then are removed without leaving a mark. I am nervous tho ... anyone have a good/bad experience with them?

Well, now that you've endured the tour, why not sit down and enjoy a slice of eclair cake and a cup of milk with me. I'd love to get to know you too! Thank you for stopping by and I'd love to see you again soon!

Merry Christmas,


Eclair Cake: 2 packages of Instant French Vanilla Pudding, 2 1/2 cups of milk, 8 oz bowl of whipped cream, box of graham crackers, chocolate icing (dark or regular, not whipped).

Beat pudding and milk with mixer for 1 minute. Fold in whipped cream. Layer graham crackers in bottom of pan (9x9 works best) then spread a layer of pudding mixture and repeat until the top of the pan is reached. End with a layer of graham crackers. Refrigerate for an hour before icing. Best if then refrigerated for another 4 hours before serving. ENJOY!


Muddy said...

I love the trees outside with all the lights. The eclectic tree is the way our main one is inside real theme but lots of memories. We have smaller themed ones that humor me. Thanks for allowing us to visit your home for the holidays....enjoyed my stay...and the piece of cake! Yum!

BECKY said...

Hi Carrie! We have an eclectic tree each year, too. I used to yearn for a themed tree, but have such great pleasure in the memories that adorn it the way it is. If I ever get a themed tree, it will have to be one in another room!! Your family is precious, and so is your decor! :) Thanks for letting us take a peek!!

I hope to join the tour tomorrow. Just getting over being sick, and playing catch-up!

Blessings for a joyous Christmas to you and yours,

Connie said...

Your tree looks GREAT! I love when all of the ornaments have a story. We let the kids pick an ornament each this year and one of them is already broken.

That cake is making me seriously hungry! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Merry Christmas!

Cathy said...

You have a beautiful tree and I love the gold wall with the shelf & decorations. That's my favorite.!! Merry Christmas

Lisa said...

I love those primitive things on your yellow wall up by the ceiling. I need to figure out how to add those oh so cute backgrounds to my blog. I'm so blog ill-literate.

Missy said...

Oh, Carrie! I am missing my old neighborhood so much more with the approaching holidays. You have decorated your house beautifully. Marcus did a great job painting that wall in the living room, by the way. Received your card today...the boys look so adorable! Hugs to all!

Unknown said...

Love it, Love it, Love it....I think that pretty much wraps it up. I might have to join the home tours this weekend, such a great idea. Happy Holidays and we love you all.

Maggie Thornton said...

Your tree is beautiful, as well as your outdoor pines.

I haven't used the wall hooks that you mentioned. You are in a new home so your stockings will eventually find just the place where they fit perfectly. Sometimes it takes living in a home for awhile.

You have a beautiful and festive home and I love the color on the wall with the shelving at top:-)

Thanks so much for visiting my open house.

Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook