Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where did the time go???

It wasn't until our drive home last night that it hit me ... my baby starts preschool tomorrow. GULP. How can this be? Shouldn't I still be teaching him how to feed himself (although if you know Logan - he does still need some more work in that area). I seriously don't know where the time went. With Aiden, the first day of preschool brought up a few emotions, but no tears. With Logan, I cry just thinking about it. I guess because I wasn't fully prepared for this day to come so quickly and because he very well could be the last child I take to preschool for the very first time. Ugh. I am really trying to put my happy face on for him though. He was so excited this afternoon when I went home to see him before taking him. He walked right in and seemed to own the place. I just spoke with him on the phone and he said they ran in circles, sang songs, his face got sweaty and they played. Sounds like a full 2 1/2 hours to me!


Jami Liz said...

He looks so grown up!! Wow! Just the other day you were pregnant on my couch. And I remember asking if it was okay to come see you in the hospital when you had Logan. And now that huge boy is so handsome and amazing...sigh. Why must they grow up???