Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So Much To Share


I have so much to tell you ... let's just jump right in!

We had a fun Easter. We (we meaning me and the boys, Marcus had to work) headed to my parents' for a few days.

On Friday I got to hold Alyana for a little while. And yes, now the baby fever is like a million times worse! She is very sweet and has a big sister that was very excited to welcome her home. While I was holding the sweet baby, the boys got to play at Valerie's (their old babysitter). They were so very excited to see her and some of the kids there. I asked Aiden what was the best thing he did at Valerie's and he said, "It was fun when she brought out the weed." Um ... what? Now - if you do not know Valerie this may not seem as funny, so let me explain. Valerie has 5 children - some (most maybe) of which she has home schooled. She also babysits and enjoys baking - a lot of which is homemade. So, when Aiden told me about the 'weed' I would only assume that it's home grown and that the 'weed' is how she makes it through the day! HA! Anyway ... after a few more questions about the 'weed' I figured out he meant the Wii and felt much better.

Easter morning we were able to visit CCC, our home church. It was a great service. However, sunrise services are not ideal for three young boys. We had Aiden, Logan and my nephew Gavin to deal with. They didn't do too bad ... but there were some moments. Although the adults had an equal amount of moments! Anyway ... we tried to get a few good pics, but those three do not like to cooperate all at once!
So - after church we headed to see the Hoffman side of the family for a few minutes. There was a fun Easter egg hunt and lots of candy and money! Then back to Gma and Papaw Erskine's for dinner, baskets and another hunt. This is when Logan decided to wear a bunny costume! (Disclaimer: The mother of this child did NOT purchase this outfit for her son that she loves very much. Nor did she make him wear it. He WANTED to wear the outfit that a certain AUNT just happened upon. I'm just sayin'...)

I know ... aren't those pictures priceless? Here are a couple of other priceless stories from the weekend:

Aiden says, "Oh man ... not all of the eggs have money, some just have candy!" Mommy replies, "Aiden, we need to be grateful for money or the candy that we get." Logan quickly and firmly replies, "Yeah, and JESUS!" Enough said.

Aiden asked us this morning to take his money that he received in the Easter eggs to school. I asked why he needed to do that and he said because he wanted to put it into the bucket for Riley Hospital. Of course we didn't say no and we were just so proud of him.

Ok - I think that may be all for now. I should post more often and then I wouldn't have to hold your attention for so long!

Have a great week!