Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hello. Many of you have heard - but I've been WAY under the weather lately. It started Friday morning when I noticed that my chest and back were hurting. Felt like someone was sitting on me. As the day wore on, I started to feel worse. By 6 pm I had a fever of 101.3 and I was in bed. Saturday was Aiden's first t-ball game and I found the strength to go but landed back in bed shortly after. That's where I was for the next 24 hours. Marcus came in on Sunday and asked if we could go to the doc - so off we went. He ran a few tests and decided I had acute bronchitis and pleurisy. He prescribed an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and Tylenol 3. All of that did a number on me. I quit taking the Tylenol 3 once nothing would settle in my stomach and I was dizzy all the time ... but even after no Tylenol 3 for 24 hours, I was still getting ill. So - Tuesday night we headed back to the doc. He took me off the antibiotic for 24 hours and started a pill for nausea. Today I am weak, but have managed to eat some and drink a lot of fluids. I am actually going to eat with the family tonight! And try working tomorrow. I am so glad I am feeling better. I seriously felt bad enough yesterday that I thought graduation this Saturday was not going to be an option for me.
Everyone STAY WELL!


Missy said...

I think several of us were wondering about your graduation this weekend. So glad you are feeling better....we have missed you.
Luv ya girlfriend.