Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Hoffman Style

I am sorry I am such a blog slacker these days. We have just been enjoying the sun like never before. Any of you that know me know that I would much rather be inside in the air conditioning rather than out in the heat. I mean ... if not, aren't we just wasting $? Well, this year I've been truly enjoying the time outside. I love that the tv is never on before 9 pm since the sun is out that late. I love watching the boys ride (and crash) their bikes. I love my porch swing. I love watching the birds in our backyard. I love NOT doing my hair (wait ... did I just write that?!?!) I love camping. I love hanging out at the lake. I love not caring about the clock. I love my boys running around without their shirts on (and yes, slathered in sunscreen). I love that I have a flip-flop tan for the first time in years! I love NOT wearing make-up (I know ... another shocker!) I love eating dinner with the family outdoors. Man ... I could go on and on. Instead, I'll just share more pictures from our Summer Hoffman Style. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves at least half as much as we are! If not ... come join us!

Oh... and I forgot to let you all know that Aiden's ankle is
much better and he was allowed to stop wearing the boot on Monday! FREEDOM!