Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Graduation and Lucky #7

Seriously, where has the time gone? This past week was a little rough for me. On Wednesday (5/19/10), Logan "graduated" from preschool. He has another year of preschool, so I managed not to shed any tears, but there was a HUGE lump in my throat. Then on Friday, Aiden turned 7. Wait, that cannot be right. Ugh! Seven!!! I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. Overnight he has turned into a little man. *sigh* For his birthday we went to see the Fort Wayne TinCaps "play." I put play in quotes as we saw one inning due to rain. But we had a blast anyway! All the kids were great and barely noticed the rain.

Logan - I am so proud of you and how far you have come this year in preschool. You are the most empathetic 4 year old ever. You just seem to know when your friends, teachers, brother or parents need to be lifted up. It's truly a gift of yours. Your speech has improved and you love showing off your work. You are actually sad the days you don't have school. I can't believe this year is already over, but I love watching you grow. I love you Bud ... *pound it!*********************

Aiden - Seven. I keep saying it over and over so it will register. You'll never know the joy you have brought to this family. Even as a baby you were bringing us together. I am amazed everyday to see how much of an "Erskine" you are. Man, you are competitive. Not only in sports and with others, but with yourself. You want to do everything perfectly on the first try. Many tears have been shed over the Wii, spelling words, and reading because you missed something on the first try or didn't get the highest score. One thing you never get frustrated with is math. You are a whiz (totally did not get that from this from me). You are so handsome. You wear your feelings on your sleeve. You are too cool to kiss your mom, but hold my hand a lot and still demand that I kiss your cheek before you go to sleep. I love you Aiden Michael.


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