Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Scream You Scream We All Scream For Snow Cream!

It started snowing on Thursday morning. It snowed ...

And snowed ... and snowed some more! I think when all was said and done, we received 5 inches of snow. Not enough to cancel school, but an early dismissal and 2 hour delay made Aiden (and mommy) just as happy.

The boys couldn't wait to go and play in it.

It's fun until you get hit in the face with a snowball and Mommy makes you stand still for a picture. Grrrr.

The boys think the grill looked a bit like a monster. Ha.

The best part of the snow was when we made snow cream. The boys thought the idea of it was so fun. What they didn't realize was that it's super sweet and you really can only eat one heaping spoonful. Aw, memories.


Anonymous said...

I know how they feel when you get hit with a snowball in the face!!

Jen and Joe said...

I know you don't know me and i just hit the next blog button and came upon yours. You have a cute family and a cute blog.