Sunday, January 3, 2010

Too Much Christmas?

We waited all year for Christmas to arrive. The house smells like Christmas, the house looks like Christmas, the kids are anxious about presents and not sure if they've been good enough all year to received that one particular gift. Then, in a blink of an eye ... it's over. Or that's how it normally goes.

This year Christmas seemed to last a really long time. Our first Christmas Party was the Farmer Family Christmas (Marcus's mom's side of the fam) on Dec 5th! That same night was his work Christmas party. Then the next weekend I hosted a Christmas Candy Making Party. The following weekend was the Hoffman family Christmas. Of course Christmas day we had our little Christmas, followed on the 28th by the Erskine family Christmas and just last week on the 30th was the Davis Family Christmas out in Missouri. WHOA ... AM I TIRED! The boys had a great time and really scored in the toy department. I think we own every game system known to man (ok, not really, but we now have a DS, Wii, GameBoy and a Leapster. Who needs those old fashioned things called books anyway!?!)

Anyway, I've posted just a few (er, 10) of the photos taken from the festivities. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/New Year's. Tomorrow it's back to reality (insert groan here).