Friday, May 23, 2008

Full Week

Well, Aiden's 5th birthday has come and gone. He was so sweet the morning of his birthday when I woke him up. That evening he had a t-ball game. Another player on the team has the same birthday as Aiden (they were born just doors down from one another @ Community Hospital). Anyway, Caleb's mom and I decided to have a small party for the team after the game. It was fun. After that little party we came to our house and had dinner together and another small party with my family. Tonight we'll be doing the same with Marcus' family. What a week! I've attached some pictures.

This weekend should be great. We are heading to Mick and Carolyn's for a few days. Tomorrow I'll be scrappin' all day with Steph, Sunday and Monday I have no plans thus far. I know there will be at least one trip to the mall though! I am looking forward to spending time with Marcus' family. (I should get some brownie points for that line!!!)

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!
