Sunday, February 3, 2008

First Communion

Every first Sunday of the month our church takes communion. Normally the children are in children's church at that point. This month the kids were still in the service with us. Aiden started to ask questions about what was going on. I knew that he has learned about Jesus dying on the cross at AWANA and I felt like I could help him understand the meaning of communion. I explained what the bread and the juice represented. As the bread came our way he looked up at me and said that this was Jesus' body. I agreed and asked him why Jesus died for us. He said, "He died on the cross for our sins." I was so proud. We then prayed for mommy, daddy, Aiden and Logan and all of our sins. We did the same when the juice came around. He said that the juice was the blood because, "There was a lot of blood on the cross when Jesus died for our sins." WOW ... just read that line again ... how right was he!?!?! All of the blood was for our sins and there was a lot of it. I never really thought of it that way until today. Amazing what a 4 year old can teach us. My dad said that a 4 year old seems to understand it more than some 40 year olds. I couldn't agree more.

Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me and my family and all of our sins. Thank you for the blood that you shed for us. And thank you for teaching moments with my precious boys. They teach me something each and everyday.



Jami Liz said...

We had communion today too. I cried during the "cup". I was thinking, as always, how amazing it is that Christ died for me. And not only me but also for my son. And I'm so grateful for that. I hope Camden can understand like Aiden does someday soon. You're a great teacher Carrie. And a great mom! Miss seeing you in action. These blogs help though! Keep 'em up!