Sunday, October 26, 2008

7 Things You Might Not Know About Me

So, I was tagged by my Aunt Leslie to do this survey-type thing. I cannot imagine that I have 7 things that you all don't know about me, considering I am practically an open book ... here goes:

1. I must put my socks on left to right, followed by my shoes in the same manner. Seriously, it doesn't feel right if I do it right to left. I guess it stems from the fact that one reads left to right. Logical, right?

2. When I first attended AU, I rarely attended classes (something I do not recommend). I left in 2002 with a 1.5 GPA! Yeah, bad news. When I started back to school I was on academic probation. I am happy to say that I was on the straight A track until 2 classes ago when I received my first B. Now, to justify that B, I was in the middle of a move, taking two classes, trip to Missouri so I missed a class (by my choosing), Dad's stroke ... ok, LIFE. Life just got in the way that time. I pulled out an A in the one class, but a B in the class that I thought I could sluff on. Oh well. I have managed to pull my GPA up to a 2.934. After the 7 credits I will earn in less than a week, I am hoping that I break that 3.0 GPA. If not, I'll just round up!

3. I was a skunk in my first grade play. I was the best skunk in the world (something to be proud of?) I remember that my mom let me borrow a black and white striped sweater of hers. I wore that sweater, black leggins and probably some leg warmers. Since dressing as a skunk I have graduated to dressing as the Red Gold tomato and the Anderson University raven. And no, I do not put this fact on all my resumes ... just a select few. HA!

4. I am terrified of Halloween masks. Any masks really. Odd since I can dress up, right? Masks just are different than a full mascot uniform. I absolutely hate shopping for costumes for the boys. We've really lucked out and I haven't purchased any from the store, but it doesn't stop them from wanting to look. I cannot walk down the isle that has those creepy SCREAM masks and the old man from one of those stupid horror movies. I am sweating just thinking about it now. Dad used to take us trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, but I was just fine staying at home. I still wasn't a big fan of handing out the candy unless mom was with me. I was just too scared. I still do not hand out candy nor take the boys around the neighborhood. We do the family thing and I am just fine (and safe) with that.

5. I was voted class klutz my senior year in high school. A title that I well deserved. I am the klutziest person I know. I trip on carpet, I drop my pop cans all over my pants, I leave my pants unzipped, I run into the neighbors cars, I hit my head on the mirror in the morning while putting my mascara on (you have to get close to the mirror and sometimes I don't judge that so well), I smash my fingers in drawers on a daily basis, I poked the lady at Starbucks today with my finger nail (may have drawn blood) ... need anymore examples?

6. I am Lebanese. Yep, only a quarter though. Basically, I have the olive skin that makes for a great tan in the summers or for a green tone when I am sick. Seriously, strangely green when I am not feeling well. I also have constant green/purple skin under my eyes. No make-up out there can cover it up. I like the fact that I am Lebanese. It's a good conversation starter. One time all the family came over from Lebanon to the CHOG convention. They SWARMED me because I looked like them. They kissed and hugged me until I was ready to puke! Maybe that is why I am not overly huggy to this day. Oh well, they make great baklava, so that is worth the hugs.

7. Speaking of not feeling well, I tend to pass out a lot, especially when I am not feeling well. It is scary at times, but for the most part I know when it is coming - Marcus has learned too. I have done it in churches, restaurants, while driving (that was scary), at the hospital (good place to do so), in our house (not the new one yet), at mom and dad's ... pretty much anywhere and everywhere. I don't always end up at the hospital after doing so, I just normally have to wait a little while and be put back into bed. I've learned to always wake Marcus up if I am going to be sick in the middle of the night so that in 10 or 15 minutes he can scoop me up off the floor and put me back into bed with a cold cloth. I am just not normal people.

So, is that more than you ever wanted to know about Carrie????
Ok, I tag Missy F. and Missy S.

One last thing ... I present my presentation on Thursday the 30th. It's the project I've been working on for 8 months. It's our only grade in the class and worth 4 credit hours! I would appreciate extra prayers on Thursday.

Have a great week,