Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30th, 1998

So - I know that after being married one should not still count the day of your first date as an anniversary - but today marks 10 years ago that Marcus and I had our first date. 10 years seems like a marker that we're allowed to celebrate!!! Ok, now - if you want to skip the note to Marcus feel free. I hate being cheesy!!! There is more below however.

Can you believe it's been 10 years? Do you remember it? We went to Fazoli's and to see Rush Hour - how romantic! I still remember what I wore! I wore a white Praise Gathering sweatshirt and jeans, because, really - what else would one wear on a date that was just to be two friends hanging out? Who knew that 10 years later we would have:

*A wonderful marriage of 5 1/2 years
*Two awesome little boys Aiden Michael and Logan Brian
*Two houses (had to throw that in)
*The sweetest niece (Payton Lynn) and two of the sweetest nephews (Braydon Glen and Gavin Andrew)
*Sister and brother-in-laws that feel just like part of our own families
*Gone to Jamaica!!!
*Made Christ center of our lives
*Learned to love each others quirks (you have ... right?)
*Our friendship ... you are my best friend and have been for years!
*Our sense of humor - cause you just have to living with me!

And that's just 10 examples!!!! I love you very much and cannot wait to see what the next 10 years hold.

I love you!!!

Ok, so tonight is the night I deliver my final presentation for work. I wasn't feeling good about it yesterday, but after a few more hours of tweaking it I am feeling much better. I don't know that it's "A" material, but hey - all I need is a "C." Way to shoot for mediocre, right? HAHAHA! I was working on the project when the boys went to bed last night and this morning when Aiden woke up. The first thing he said to me was, "Mom, did you even go to bed?" So sweet, and yes, I did. I would appreciate your prayers around 6:45 tonight! I will let you know how it goes. I AM ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
