Thursday, January 8, 2009

I declare myself "The Coolest Mom EVER!"

As you can see from the pictures, my kiddos had wild hairs last night! I took them to get haircuts and the ladies almost always do the "faux hawks" for them. Well, last night they added the blue gel (the pics don't do the blue justice ... it was COLTS BLUE!) Of course having blue hair was not enough for Aiden. He requested a "shark do." Now, I am fairly certain that Aiden made this "do" up, but who knows. He has been asking me to do the "shark" for about 6 months now. He's always explained it to me as a mohawk down the middle and one on each side. Well, he let the hair stylist know ... and tada ... we have "THE SHARK!" He was so proud of that thing. We went to eat at "Bob's House ... or "Boff Effans" (our nicknames for Bob Evans) with those hairdo's! The gal servers went nuts over my two boys. And of course, the boys flirted back with the gals. Little heartbreakers. Aiden begged for me not to wash his hair so that he could wear it that way to school, but I was NOT going to have "that kid." Sorry Aiden. But I do still declare myself as the Coolest Mom EVER! Come on ... let me have this moment.



Missy said...

You ARE the coolest mom EVER!! I wouldn't have gone without washing it before school, either.