Thursday, January 22, 2009

Serious Note


You may have noticed that I have placed a few new items on my sidebar. The one at the top is for a little girl named Harper. She was born just a few days ago and is having a rough time. Her family is not only asking for prayers for their little girl, but for all the babies and families in the NICU. It just amazes me how people that are hurting and in need are still willing to reach out and ask for prayer for others. Such a witness. Check it out.

Also check out the button for Abby. She's a little girl fighting cancer and receiving treatments right now. They have an amazing story too. I found their blog when I clicked on a picture of Joey and Rory (Alex folks should know who I am talking about) and found that the daddy of Abby wrote the article I was reading. Anyway, check their story out too and pray for them.

The blogger world can be so overwhelming, but I have been so touched by so many stories from blog stalking. There are some amazing families out there that make me feel like this world can be a better place. These families have gone through so much and continue to give glory to God and have really been an inspiration to me.

So, take a few minutes this week in prayer for these little girls. We believe in a healing God and these little ones need healing so badly.



Unknown said...

Read the blogs on Harper and Abby...thanks for sharing. I will add them to my prayer list. When I read these stories memories of when Sarah were first born come flooding back to me. God is awesome and Sarah is living proof!!!